تأثير القومية العربية على التضامن العربي- العربي خلال الالفية الثالثة: الواقع والابعاد


  • د.مصطفى خشيم




Although the famous Amer- ican political scientist Francis  Fukuyrama, concluded in his  outstanding book entitled the  End of History that r.he age of  ideology is gone forever when ex sovier bloc collapsed in the late  1980s and early 1990s, but the  evidenecs demonstrate that ideologies do exist as far as civi lizations and peoples are alive.  Arab nationalism, as an Ideo- logy, is a prominent political  !actor that affected inter Arab  relations since the era of anti -colonialism.  

This study assumes that  Arab nationalism as an Ideo logy is expected to influence  the level of cohesion towards  matters of common interests.  Methodologically speaking, this  study dealt with Arab nation alism as an independent variab- le, and Arab solidarity as a dep- endent variable. Thus, Arab na -tionalism resulted, as an ideo logical factor in a cohesive  Arab position vis-a-vis its ene.  mies during the era of colonj.  alism and post independence  periods. Furthermore, Arab na -tionalism is a crucial factor that  distinguish Arabism in the age  of globalization, where sovere ignty and political border are deemphasized noticeably. 



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كيفية الاقتباس

Kashiem, D. (2009). تأثير القومية العربية على التضامن العربي- العربي خلال الالفية الثالثة: الواقع والابعاد. دراسات في الاقتصاد والتجارة, 28. https://doi.org/10.37376/deb.v28i.2988


