مجلة كلية الاداب https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA <p>هي مجلة علمية محكمة تصدر حاليا منها النسخة الالكترونية ، تصدر 3 مرات في السنة( ابريل- اغسطس- ديسمبر) وتهدف لنشر البحوث و المقالات وعروض الكتب في مجالات العلوم الانسانية. تلتزم باعلي معايير الجودة في التمراجعة العلمية.</p> Benghazi university ar-IQ مجلة كلية الاداب 2523-1871 مفهوم المخالفة الدستورية لمبادئ الشريعة الإسلامية ضوابط التعدّد نموذجاً https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5918 <p>كلّ ما نزل بمسلم فيه حكم حادث واضح بصريح العبارة، أم بالإشارة وفقاً<br>للمفاهيم العامّة للتشريع وكليّات الشريعة الإسلامية، وأن المخالفة الدستورية الحقيقية<br>لمبادئ الشريعة تكمن في مخالقة هذه المفاهيم والقيم والكليّات، دون التعلّق بظواهر<br>النّصوص، وأحوال التشريع المبتدأ لكل حكم.</p> معتز عبد الوهاب بالعجول الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 5 23 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5918 المعوقات التي تحوّل بين مخرجات التعليم التقني في ليبيا ومتطلبات سوق العمل https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5919 <p>هدفت الد ا رسة إلى التعرف على المعوقات التي تحوّل بين مخرجات التعليم التقني في ليبيا ، ومتطلبات سوق العمل في المعهد العالي لمهن البناء والتشييد بنغازي، من وجهة نظر أعضاء هيأة التدريس والإداريين بالمعهد وخبرتهم المهنية ، ولمعرفة المعوقات؛ اعتمدت الباحثة على الإحصاءات والسجلات الخاصة بالمؤسسة ، ولتحقيق أهداف الد ا رسة استخدمت الاستبانة التي تم تجميع فق ا رتها من الد ارسات السابقة ،واعتمدت الد ا رسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتكون مجتمع الد ا رسة من جميع أعضاء هيأة التدريس والإداريين العاملين بالمعهد أثناء فترة جمع البيانات ، وقد بلغ عددهم) 23 ( مفردة خلال العام الد ا رسي 3034 _ 3033 م، ونظار لصغر حجم مجتمع الد ا رسة، فقد قامت الباحثة بأج ا رء مسح شامل لجميع مفردات مجتمع الد ا رسة أثناء فترة جمع البيانات ، وتوزيع الاستبانة والتي تم استرجاعها جميعا ، ولتحليل لبيانات الد ا رسة استخدمت بعض الوسائل الإحصائية المناسبة المعتمدة علي الحقيبة الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية ) spss (، وأسفرت نتائج الد ا رسة عن : وجود علاقة بين عدم كفاءة الإدارة التعليمية والتدريبية وعدم تحقيق الأنظمة لأهدافها، المتمثلة في مخرجات علمية تقنية متطورة ملائمة لمتطلبات سوق العمل ، وتوجد معوقات تتعلق بنظم وعناصر وإدارة التعليم التقني نفسه ، منها النظام الاساسي للمعهد وعدد ساعات العملي غير كافية بالمعهد ، والتخصصات بالمعهد ليست ملائمة لمتطلبات سوق العمل ، ولا يوجد علاقة بين عدم نشر ثقافة التعليم التقني في أذهان الناس وعدم تحقيق الأنظمة لأهدافها ، ولا يوجد علاقة بين تقليدية المناهج وضعف التجهيازت وعدم تحقيق الأنظمة لأهدافها،ويوجد علاقة بين سوء سياسات أنظمة التعليم التقني وعدم تحقيق الانظمة التعليميةلأهدافها ، وهذا قد يعود إلى عدم ربط مؤسسات التعليم التقني بمؤسسات الانتاج من مصانع وشركات ، وعدم ربط ذلك بمتطلبات سوق العمل ، كما أثبتت النتائج عدم وجود فروق معنوية بين أ ا رء المبحوثين في العلاقة بين ضعف التمويل للتعليم التقني وعدم تحقيقه لأهدافه ،و عدم وجود جهات مشرفة على الخريجين على أن يكونوا وفقآ لمتطلبات سوق العمل ، كما بينت النتائج عدم وجود ربط بين احتياجات المجتمع ومخرجات التعليم التقني ، وعدم وجود متابعه للتطو ا رت الحديثة للتكنولوجيا.</p> غادة مرعي بوجلال الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 42 88 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5919 انتشار التعرية الأخدودية في قيعان أودية جنوب الجبل الأخضر دراسة أولية في ظروف النشأة وأهم الآثار الناتجة عنها https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5921 <p>The south slope of Green Mountain includes the land extending from the water division line to the south towards the flat plains called locally "Al-Balt". The slope cuts through many valleys, such as Wadi Al-Kharoubah, where most of them end in the lands of Al-Balt. The importance of the slope lands lies in the dependence of a large sector of the population on them for grazing and traditional agriculture, especially in the bottoms of the valleys where sedimentary soil and pasture grasses are available. As for the slopes of the valleys and the highlands between them, they are mostly poor and deteriorating lands. Due to the climatic conditions of these lands, characterized by low and irregular rainfall rates, their ecosystems have been fragile and susceptible to environmental degradation. With the continuous expansion of agricultural and pastoral activities, the delicate balance of these systems has been disrupted, and signs of deterioration have appeared, such as the spread of gully erosion along most of their drainage channels. The continued spread of gully erosion poses a threat to the productivity of these lands and the continued reduction of grazing and agricultural areas. This study aims to identify the causes of the formation and persistence of these gullies and the resulting deterioration in soil productivity and decrease in grazing and traditional agricultural areas. It also aims to determine the reasons for the inefficiency of existing erosion control measures. This study relied on measurements conducted in the field to determine the lengths, average depths, and widths of the gullies, as well as the width of the valley channel. This was done through stations located 100 meters apart from each other. These measurements were used to determine the area of land affected by gully erosion and the amount of soil erosion. The limitations of erosion control measures were determined through field observations. The study found that the spread of gully erosion in Wadi Al-Kharoubah was mainly linked to changes in surface flow properties, which increased in volume and velocity as a result of the deterioration of vegetation cover in the basin due to overgrazing and the expansion of rain-fed agriculture. The absence of regular monitoring of the effectiveness of protective measures, such as check dams, in terms of maintenance and repair, as well as the lack of attention to the management of natural pastures and the rehabilitation of natural vegetation cover, also contributed to the spread of the gullies.</p> جبريل مطول علي هويدي عبدالسلام الريشي الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 89 123 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5921 مقاومة القبائل الليبية في منطقة سرتيس للوجود الإغريقي والروماني مابين القرن الخامس ق م وإلى نهاية القرن الأول الميلادي https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5922 <p>The Libyan resistance of the Libyan tribes in the Sirtes area to the Greek and Roman presence through literary sources and archaeological remains..<br>The topic of this research deals with the national resistance movement of the Libyan tribes in the Sirtes area to the Greek and Roman presence through literary sources and archaeological remains. The great powers were the Greeks, the Carthaginians, and then the Romans. The aspirations of these forces to extend their influence and control this region caused these tribes to engage in this conflict to prove their right to their homeland at times and to repel aggression and domination at other times.<br>This conflict reached its climax in the Roman era, when it developed into an armed clash in which Roman consuls were pushed against these tribes to subjugate them and perhaps also to try to change the tribal ethnicity in the region.</p> فاطمة سالم عمر العقيلي الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 124 176 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5922 واقع استخدام استمارة الاستبانة في البحوث الاجتماعية https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5923 <p>This research is located in a space located between reality and what is hoped for, between a reality in which many research tools are used to achieve real and reliable collection of scientific data, and among those tools is the questionnaire form, its requirements and implementation mechanisms known to researchers.<br>Based on this reality, the idea that I present in this study is oriented toward what is hoped, and confirms that there are other tools that we can use to survey broader scopes and horizons than (questionnaires), and obtain from them more in-depth data and more accurate results of description and analysis, such as: (in-depth interviews). ) and (case studies) and (CVs) and (life biographies).<br>Accordingly, this study will fall under the framework of the second axis of the conference, which examines the reality of scientific research in Libya, by presenting the reality of the questionnaire form in social studies; By analyzing three social studies conducted on Libyan society, examining the repercussions of the Internet on some social issues, with samples from the cities of Benghazi and Ajdabiya; In an attempt to re-analyze its results; And monitoring the most important repercussions that the Internet has on some aspects of social life, which are: (social values - social relations - educational attainment).<br>The analyzes revealed that there is diversity and difference in the three previous studies, in terms of method, samples, objectives,&nbsp; hypothesis, it examines the extent to which there is a negative impact of the Internet on social life, but all The hypotheses in the three previous studies were rejected, and therefore this study aims to answer some methodological questions related to the questionnaire, in an attempt to raise the importance of research tools that collect data from depth more than from the surface.and hypotheses, and that they all share one data collection tool, which is the questionnaire form. Despite starting from a basic</p> انتصار مسعود العقيبي الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 177 205 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5923 مؤشرات رأس المال الاجتماعي لدى الأسرة https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5925 <p>The study tried to identify the features of social capital in some of the Libyan families by identifying a number of indicators such as trust, participation, cooperation, cohesion, satisfaction, family and social relations, and the study relied on the case study based on the interview tool conducted on a number (10 Libyan families) with the husband and wife, and the results of the study showed that the nature of participation between members of the study sample of families appears in the form of three circles, where the images of participation between members of the same family increase, then It becomes less within the framework of the relationship with external groups of relatives and neighbors in the local community, to become less than that at the larger level, where the political participation of the individuals in the study sample decreases, and they also have the values of participation in the development of the local community, and the results of the study confirmed that trust levels decrease as we move away from the family, as trust in neighbors and relatives decreases from the family, and decreases more when dealing with state institutions, and the results of the analysis of interviews showed that there are positive trends At all levels (cooperation between family members, cooperation with relatives, as well as cooperation with neighbors), while the results of the study confirmed that most of the study sample realize the importance of family cohesion, which is reflected in attention to the needs of family members and cooperation in solving family problems.</p> هند عبدالقادر حسين الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 206 249 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5925 الضغوط المهنية واستراتيجيات التعايش لدى الأطباء https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5926 <p>This research work entitled is to highlight the professional pressures and coping strategies adopted in its diverse scopes among the category of doctors in Benghazi city, and to explore the gender, and age differences related. The sample consisted of (118) participants of both genders. It was noticeable clear, from the given results, that the level of “professional pressures” in this study decreased, except after the overload was a bit high. The most handled strategies by the respondents were: planful problem-solving seeking social support, accepting responsibility, positive reassessment, self-control, distancing, and found that there were no gender and age differences in both “professional pressures and coping strategies</p> حنان حسن بالشيخ غادة مصطفى مسعود الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 250 291 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5926 سوء استخدام المكتبات المدرسية الحكومية من قبل طالبات الثانوية العامة بمدينة البيضاء https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5927 <p>Libraries play the role of the school's lifeblood by providing educational resources that teachers and educators rely on. The current study aims to identify the forms of misuse to which school libraries are exposed, and to identify the policies of the libraries under study in dealing with various forms of misuse. The problem of the current research lies in highlighting the importance of these libraries, and the negative impact that their absence has on the abilities and skills of students in secondary schools. This is due to the misuse of these skills, and the current study revolves around girls’ secondary school students in the city of Al-Bayda, and librarians in these schools, in the period 2021/2022 AD.</p> حنان عبدالسلام عبدالله الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 292 322 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5927 الصعوبات التي يواجهها طلاب الفصل الدراسي الثاني في ترجمة الأفعال المربةة من اللغة الإنجليزية إلى اللغة العربية https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5930 <p>The current study has shed light on the translation of English phrasal verbs into Arabic which is considered to be one of the most challenging areas for learners. Phrasal verbs play a crucial role in comprehending and interacting with native speakers since they are commonly utilized in both written and spoken language. Therefore, the objectives of this study is to investigate the difficulties encountered by second semester students at the Faculty of Languages (Translation Department), University of Benghazi, in translating English phrasal verbs into Arabic. The study was carried out in order to find out why the students are unable to translate English phrasal verbs into Arabic correctly. Moreover, it attempted to reveal how does this difficulty affect their quality of translation. Thus, a test consists of twenty sentences that contain phrasal verbs was distributed to the 45 participants to be translated from English into Arabic. Then, participants were interviewed to ascertain the reason beyond the challenges of translating phrasal verbs. The results were analyzed after the data had been acquired; they are represented as scores and percentages. The findings have shown that second semester students are not able to translate English phrasal verbs into Arabic properly, using the wrong translation techinque; the literal one, or due to their reliance on the context which could be a helpful or a misleading means in achieving the correct translation. They also show that learners tend to rely on the context which is not always helpful as they translate them literally, and this makes their translation unacceptable. The study suggested that students should learn phrasal verbs in context and memorize the most common ones by heart.</p> فوزية محسن الإسكندراني الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 330 354 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5930 تأثير الوعي الثقافي على اكتساب لغة ثانية https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5931 <p>The teaching of culture through communication has received the attention it deserves in a variety of academic and linguistic contexts across numerous institutions. To communicate in another language, a speaker must have a strong grasp of cultural norms and gestures to convey a message to someone fully. Likewise, cultural context allows for more efficient, natural communication between individuals.<br>The aim of this study is to show Libyan instructors and learners’' knowledge about culture and language, as well as the perception toward cultural awareness as a contributing factor in learning and mastering a language. The population of this study were 20 fifth semester students of academic year 2022 and ten instructors of the Faculty of languages at the university of Benghazi.<br>In order to achieve the goals, two questionnaires were opted as data collection tools. A questionnaire for students and another one for instructors. With regard to learners, the results of this study showed positive perception of cultural awareness as a contributing factor in learning English. Although the students knew the importance of culture, they did not link this importance to language learning. While there is a strong willingness among students to engage with cultural diversity, there is also a need for language learning curriculum to better integrate cultural content to enhance students' cross-cultural communication skills effectively.<br>In the part of instructors, the results showed that although teachers are aware of the significance of culture and its role in mastering language learning, they do not integrate culture into their teaching in order to develop intercultural competence among learners due to some obstacles.</p> Intesar Elwerfalli الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 355 373 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5931 التقاويم والمواقيت والمواسم - بين الواقع والتراث https://journals.uob.edu.ly/JOFOA/article/view/5929 <p>ل كز ةن ملوما وبل ملشر ل ف تق هى ة م را ملن زب ية ششير غزخ فزر هلج<br>اومش ةن يرلأ ةسيرلأ ةؤلف ملن زب مل لآ ور ة فور ملناخاز رغى و زم ز مل زة غأشز<br>اخفا ا ة ر ف غ ا من مل ري . فهو ةن ي مةل ماةزةه،يين ملكيبيين ملىين<br>ازرلآوم ف تأ ا مل كاى مل زة ف ليباز ملح يل عو حفولز مكج ةرا مل لآ و م رل<br>ف اع م رعا ملسكزة ةن ازة ههك اة رٍ فزش Eix-En-Provence ف فرشسز<br>مزم 4829 موةتز هلج ملو ن تقك مل ي ةن ملوظزةف ماةزةه،ا مةةمري مل لآزة<br>ةن ي رٍ ز ة ف م،ي لآكا معةمب ف مل زة ملكيبا ) 4812 4828 ( م و -<br>ة ك مل كاى مامكج ) 4812 4810 ( لآ،ز وزم ري ا،ك ةن مل،قر م را ف يوسزم -<br>اع م رعا غير اع م رعا ت ولٍ ف ة ز ي ةخ كف ةن ملو ة. ةزر ملن زغ مل ألا ة ى<br>ة م رحل ةوكرلأ ةن حازتز حيث ششر مل ي ةن مل،قزلاا ف ملفحف مل، ا<br>مل،حكا ف ة زلاا عما م و غزل ربا مل كاى بث ملر ح ملو ا ب ز مااازل<br>ة،ز يش ف ة زل تخففز ماةزةه، مل ي ةن مل،ؤلفزا ملوحو مل، شورلأ غير<br>مل، شورلأ ت ومل يٍن ملن مل،قزلاا ملوحو ملرصي شىلآر ة هز: لآ زب "اع م رعا<br>ملسكزة: ي سهز زةكهز" ة شو م را ازة عز غٍ 3002 . لآ زب "ليباز: مل،كزة<br>مل ةزة مةشسزة" ة شو م را ة ،وم ملو ط للإم م 3030 ملن زب ملىغ شحن<br>غف ةل "مل قز يى مل،ومويل مل،وم ى يٍن ملوموت مل م ر " ملىغ ششرل مكج شفق ز ملخزص<br>.3030</p> سعد محمد الزليتني الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة كلية الاداب https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 56 324 328 10.37376/jofoa.vi56.5929