الخريطة السكانية لإقليم برقة 642-1171م


  • د . سعيد جمعة حماد جامعة عمر المختار-البيضاء





According to Alyakobey and other historians, many barbarian tribes such as (Harawah, Magaga,Lawatah, Masosah and others) lived in Cyrenaica region which implies that the region was not an Arab country. In contrary, the region was a mixture of Greeks, Romans, and barbarians until 642 AD. Since that, the region started to turn slowly until it reached its final form known today and became an Arab country in term of both origin and language. The transformation of the region was a result of various factors. Most notable factors are the migration of many Arabian tribes and the settlement of other tribes which participated in the march of the Islamic conquests of Morocco. Those tribes had a big role in changing the social characteristics in the Cyrenaica region. What we have stated before about the migrated tribes and their role in reforming the social structure in the Cyrenaica region and Morocco as a whole is undisputed by most Islamic and other historians, however there must be other factors that helped the migrated tribes to settle in the region even that the region had faced unstable political and economical situations. So how did these tribes stay in Cyrenaica region? With full knowledge and according to the included information, the political and economic situation in the region was bad and was not conducive to stability and therefore we must find a logical reason for the transformation of the region to an Arab country and the end of its barbarian characteristics.


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Author Biography

د . سعيد جمعة حماد , جامعة عمر المختار-البيضاء

قسم الآثار الإسلامية/كلية السياحة والآثار –  سوسة


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How to Cite

جمعة حماد د. . س. . (2024). الخريطة السكانية لإقليم برقة 642-1171م. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (31). https://doi.org/10.37376/1571-000-031-008


