دراسات على أسباب النزاع المعيقة للتعايش السلمي في الكفرة وطرق علاجها


  • أ. عيسى قرباج كلية الآداب والعلوم الكفرة - جامعة بنغازي – ليبيا




الكفرة, أسباب, النزاع, الزوية, التبو


The city of Kufra, in the far south-east of Libya, has witnessed a bloody conflict and security deterioration for six years that have killed hundreds, destroyed dozens of homes, displaced thousands of people and the closure of the main roads in the city which causing disruption of life in kufra city. Therefore, a study was needed to identify the causes of the conflict in the city and to identify obstacles to social peace for the purpose of building a sustainable peace in Kufra. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the analytical descriptive method that explores the reasons leading to the continuation of the conflict in Kufra city, which were divided into six different areas, namely social, psychological, educational, economic, security and political. The concepts of crisis and its characteristics, how to manage and treat crises and the role of social security in establishing security stability in society were also discussed. The most important findings were discussed during this study.  The study concluded with a set of recommendations for those responsible to assist in the elimination, mitigation or effective management of conflict.


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Author Biography

أ. عيسى قرباج, كلية الآداب والعلوم الكفرة - جامعة بنغازي – ليبيا

عضو هيأة التدريس



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How to Cite

قرباج أ. ع. . (2024). دراسات على أسباب النزاع المعيقة للتعايش السلمي في الكفرة وطرق علاجها. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (40), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.37376/1571-000-040-001




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