Informational Awareness For Special Needs Field study for libraries centers-and Libyan Associations

Study summary entitled


  • د.مفتاح عبد الوهاب السلاع جامعة طرابلس



This study seeks to define about the informational aware, and to identify the main features of it, and its importance for people with special needs through services of the attached libraries centers and Libyan Associations for educating  and rehabilitating the persons with special needs, which have been selected for the research and study of the minimum existence to those library services and to stand on the intercepted problems and difficulties which prevented the performance of its  role in the development of information awareness for this important category of the
population in Libya, as well as identify its strengths and weaknesses, this study aimed to clarify the concept of persons with special needs, and their relationship  with the informational awareness.

The Definition of informational awareness and its importance for members of the community in general and the possibility of the development of digital literacy for those with special needs - the field of study -, identifying acquisitions and means that they contain study libraries, to understand of capability of the employees about those libraries and their role in raising the information awareness.

To achieve these goals, the researcher used the descriptive method as a best one to describe the studied phenomenon an accurate description and expressed expression quantified or form, and answers its questions and realize the set for the study goals. The researcher used the questionnaire as a tool to collect the necessary information for the purposes of this study, because it is characterized by the possibility of collecting a large amount of information within a short time, in addition to the results of previous studies related with this subject. The study has come out of results, the most important that the information services at the studied libraries are traditional services, is a set of services (internal access, foreign assistance, the guidance of readers), the lack of automated services, and mostly the absence of online services -Internet - , and the limited number of
qualified technical staff, the rare of modern information sources. The researcher recommended a set of recommendations  by which they can enhance the role of libraries in sophistication awareness informational for people with special needs and also contribute to the development of information services in these libraries and upgrade them and make them more effective through attention to the provision of modern channels of information, pay attention to the training and qualification of library and information specialist.


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Author Biography

د.مفتاح عبد الوهاب السلاع, جامعة طرابلس

قسم المكتبات والمعلومات – كلية الآداب – جامعة طرابلس - ليبيا


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How to Cite

عبد الوهاب السلاع د. . (2024). Informational Awareness For Special Needs Field study for libraries centers-and Libyan Associations : Study summary entitled. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (25), 1–27.


