The impact of population policies on the labor market in the Libyan economy


  • Housian A.A. Ballouazim Al-Qubbah Omar Al-Mukhtar University – Libya



القوى العاملة, علم السكان، الكثافة والنمو, سوق العمل، معدل النمو, البطالة


The study aimed to analyze the impact of population policies on the labor market in the Libyan economy during the period 1984-2006 by studying the situation of the population in Libya, the development of the labor force in the Libyan economy and the development of the relationship between Libyan population growth and labor force in the Libyan economy. Each side included a study and analysis of a number of points related to the subject of the study, in order to achieve the objective sought by the study. It was clear through the study and analysis that there is no clear strategy for population policies that take into account the need of the future labor market. The rate of growth of the Libyan population has increased, and there has been a decline in the proportion of the young Libyan population to the total Libyan population, which has led to an increase in the proportion of the elderly Libyan population (of working age) to the total Libyan population. According to the latest census for 2006, reached 1.8%. This rate has decreased in comparison to previous years, which confirms the significant demographic changes in Libya affected by the changing social, cultural and economic conditions in the country. The study also shows that there is a decrease in the proportion of Libyan illiterate population And the increase in the proportion of Libyan educated population to the total Libyan population. There is a decline in the proportion of educated Libyan workers to the educated population, despite the increase in their numbers, and also increase the contribution of females to economic activity, one of the reasons that led to the low growth rate of the Libyan population, Foreign employment led to a rise in the unemployment rate in the national workforce, and the Libyan economy began to suffer the problem of unemployment after the mid-eighties, reached a maximum of 17.3% in 2003, and despite the decline of this rate to 12.5% ​​in 2006, but still high To see the continuation of the phenomenon of unemployment in the Libyan economy, especially as it coincides with the decline in Libyan population growth rate.      


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Author Biography

Housian A.A. Ballouazim, Al-Qubbah Omar Al-Mukhtar University – Libya

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Economics


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How to Cite

عبد الكريم علي باللوازيم أ. ح. . (2024). The impact of population policies on the labor market in the Libyan economy. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (49), 1–15.


