السياسية النقدية في ليبيا - مراحل تطورها - ومدى فاعليتها


  • سلوى جمعة عيسى Omar Al-Mukhtar University.




The financial policy is considered one of the faces of stability polices that the can countries follow to overcome the different economic disturbances that accompanied the economic evolution. And since the financial policy represent the financial side of the general economic policy, so, that demands a high degree of organization with the tools of other economic policy and also the degree of effectiveness of financial policy and it's relative importance as one of economic stability polices differs from economy to another in the high of variation of the nature of the dominant, economic skeletons and the variation in the degree of evolution of financial markets form country to country, and so the variation of economic development the way of pointing at the weakness of financial policy effectiveness in the developing countries is became the nature of the economic problems in these countries is considered to be of skeleton origin not financial origin as when these counties are lack in of developed financial markets and so lacking of one of the main weapons for the financial policies that weapon is open market operations. What is said against the financial policy is not a clue against its effectiveness as a flexible tool that allows the financial policies for fast to movement to economic goals. Therefore, this study has aimed to give an analytic description of the status of Libyan economy. and the range of success of central Libyan bank to use the tools of financial policy to affect the total financial variables and it came clear that there was no stable - clear - financial policy and that the environment the bank province works in has and in the shrinkage of financial policy off becomes the central bank can deter the size of insurance and its type and its limits and its price without the need of the use of traditional tools of financial policy and that is why the financial policy sometimes takas the shape of general decisions or laws and these are not adjusted except by a similar decisions or the adjustment by a similar decisions or the adjustment of these laws.


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Author Biography

سلوى جمعة عيسى, Omar Al-Mukhtar University.

محاضر مساعد - قسم الاقتصاد - كلية الاقتصاد - البيضاء - جامعة عمر المختار - ليبيا


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How to Cite

جمعة عيسى س. . (2024). السياسية النقدية في ليبيا - مراحل تطورها - ومدى فاعليتها. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (44), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.37376/1571-000-044-010


