The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi 2023-12-08T11:07:52+00:00 مجلة جامعة بنغازي العلمية (sjuob) [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>The journal of the University of Benghazi publishes original research and review papers in all fields of pure and applied sciences, arts, economics, medicine, engineering, and law.</p> <p>The journal publishes four issues per year in two volumes.</p> الاشتراكية في إثيوبيا (1974-1991م) 2023-12-06T21:21:08+00:00 عمار أبكر محمد إدريس [email protected] <p>This study discusses the model of applying socialism in Ethiopia (1974-1991), and the nature of the challenges, difficulties, and problems which led to its failure. It also attempted to answer the question; How did the natural disasters, human errors, and the cultural and racial dimensions contributed to the failure of applying the model of socialism in Ethiopia. The study stems out the hypotheses that the realization of the project of building the modern national state in Ethiopia had need of the new thoughts and ideologies which comprehends. The nature of the political and economic problems from which the Ethiopian society suffers. The study showed that the human errors, and the natural disasters which accompanied the application of the socialist experience negatively influenced the political and economic reform, it's also found out that the failure of the Marxist elite in managing the cultural and racial diversity that distinguished Ethiopia led to the failure of the most of the attempts of the social reform, and the establishment of a unified Ethiopian.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi الآثار الاجتماعية لحرمان المرأة من الميراث: دراسة حالة على النساء المحرومات من الإرث بمدينة توكرة 2023-12-06T21:29:25+00:00 مريم فرج مختار حسين [email protected] <p>The aim of this study is to acknowledge the Causes and effects that have got women to be deprived of their inheritance right in Tucra country; and this study has been conducted through the following questions; Have they got deprived of all their inheritance right or just part of it? And what are the causes and effects of this deprivation? The descriptive method has been used to include the women who deprived of their right in Tucra country: as the non-random sample was used especially the snowball one, which estimated at 30 cases of the study. The way for collecting data was through open individual interviews and observations.</p> <p>Besides the women who told their stories, I have come up with these consequences: depriving women of their right that's related to land and houses. The superiority of males over females therefore. And the must for sisters to give up their right in family house for their youngest brother. Some women have got a part of that heritage just to be satisfied but they are not. Dominating the oldest brother over heritage, behaving with it freely, delaying giving rights and breaking promises, furthermore, violating whom asking for it. The consequences resulting from these causes such as. : breaking ties of kinship between brothers. Twenty of these cases were fully deprived, while seventeen cases were not satisfied about the illegal part of their right.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi درجة معرفة معلمي التربية الخاصة بخصائص الأطفال ذوي اضطراب طيف التوحد وعلاقتها بأساليب التعامل معهم 2023-12-06T21:35:24+00:00 وسام هاني نوافلة [email protected] <p>The study aimed to identify the extent to which special education teachers know about the characteristics of children and methods of dealing with children with autism spectrum disorder, and to reveal the nature of the relationship between the knowledge of children with autism spectrum disorder and the methods of dealing with them. Finding differences between special education teachers' approaches to children with autism spectrum disorder depending on the variable (years of experience). The study sample consisted of 127 teachers working in special education schools and centres in Jordan. The sample was selected at random. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was applied on the knowledge of special education teachers about the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder, and a questionnaire on the knowledge of special education teachers about the methods of dealing with children with autism spectrum disorder, developed by the researcher for the purposes of the current study.</p> <p>The results showed that the degree of knowledge among special education teachers of the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder as a whole was (high), as was first after "social communication and social interaction", and second after "stereotypes". The degree of knowledge among special education teachers of the methods of dealing with children with autism spectrum disorder as a whole was high, as was the first place after "enhancement methods and strategies" to a high degree, the second place after "individual training methods and strategies" to a high degree, and the last place after "varied training methods and strategies" to a high degree. It also showed a positive statistically significant correlation between educators' knowledge of the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder and their handling methods. There are no statistically significant differences attributable to the impact of the number of years' experience.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi أساليب التعلم وعلاقتها بمهارات الحكمة الاختبارية لدى طلبة جامعة بنغازي 2023-12-06T21:41:41+00:00 مريم سالم سعد عامر البرغثي [email protected] <p>The study aimed to identify the level of learning styles and experiential wisdom skills, and to find out whether there is a significant correlation between the two variables, and the ability of learning styles in predicting experiential wisdom skills among university students The study sample consisted of (100) male and female students, from the Faculties of Arts and Mass Communication at the University of Benghazi. To collect data, the researcher used measures of learning styles and test wisdom skills. To analyze the data statistically, she used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Arithmetic means, hypotheses, standard deviations, one-sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression were used. The results showedthat the level of learning styles among the sample members was high for both the style (deep learning and strategic learning), and low for the style (surface learning) the most widely used learning method among the sample members is the deep learning method, followed by the strategic method, and the least used is the surface learning method. The results also showed that the level of test wisdom skills among sample members was high for both the total score and the sub-dimensions (strategies used before starting the answer, strategies used during the answer, strategies used after completing the answer). There is also a positive, positive correlation between experiential wisdom skills and both the deep learning style and the strategic learning style, and an inverse negative correlation between experiential wisdom skills and the surface learning style. Also, the ability of learning methods to predict test wisdom skills, and that the deep learning method is the strongest variable predicting test wisdom skills among sample members.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi تأثير برنامج تدريبي بالأثقال باستخدام Repetition Maximal (RM) لتحسين القوة العضلية لدى لاعب كرة القدم (تحت 20 سنة) 2023-12-06T21:45:49+00:00 مروان عبد العزيز احمد مديقش [email protected] <p>The research aims to design a weight training program by using the maximum force of each player under the age of 20 years old the category of young people in Al-Hilal club (Benghazi). The researcher used the trial approach for one group that fits the research goals. The research sample was chosen according to the intential method, it&nbsp; included (20 players) who had participated in (Under-20) Libyan football league .The training program lasted for (10 weeks) ,(4) units a week. It was done within the special prepration andcompetitions duration .</p> <p>The researcher used the special measurments of weight training such as:</p> <p>Board jump – Back strenghth dynamometer –Spinal flixbility –Throwing the medical ball (2 kgs). The results of the weight training program by using the (RM) were very good and the weight training has a positive impact on the players. The most importnant recommendations were to considerindividual differences among players when they use weights in training by using (RM), in addation pushing every player’s limit to control the intensity during the training session.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi متعاطي المخدر بين العلاج والعقاب "ومضات في التشريع الجنائي الليبي" 2023-12-06T21:50:35+00:00 إيمان علي سالم العمامي [email protected] <p>In this research, tagged with drug abusers between treatment and punishment, “Flashes in the Libyan Criminal Legislation,” sheds light on a very sensitive topic because it is linked to social, psychological, human and human data as well, as well as its criminal legal dimension, in order to determine the efficacy of the criminal treatment of drug abusers and calibrate it regionally and internationally and in light of The goals for which it was initiated, and our way of doing that was a critical, analytical, critical look at the provisions regulating that treatment, and perhaps one of the most important results of the research is its monitoring of many of the virtues in the criminal treatment of drug abusers, and then followed by a number of recommendations mitigating the severity of those shortcomings, hoping that you will find Its way towards reality in pursuit of drawing the parameters of an optimal criminal policy for drug abusers.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi مدى توافر مقومات استخدام بطاقة الأداء المتوازن في المصارف التجارية الليبية "دراسة حالة بفروع مصرف التجاري الوطني" 2023-12-06T21:56:30+00:00 خيرية محمد ابراهيم أبوبكر [email protected] <p>The study examined the availability of the elements for using the balanced scorecard in Libyan commercial banks, “a case study in the branches of the National Commercial Bank.” The study aimed to introduce the dimensions of the balanced scorecard and the extent of application of the four dimensions (the financial dimension, the customer dimension, the internal operations dimension, and the learning and growth dimension) in Libyan commercial banks. The study used the inductive approach to list previous studies, as well as the inductive approach. It also used the statistical program Spss to analyze the data, where 100 questionnaires were distributed, and 94 questionnaires were analyzable. The study reached several results, the most notable of which is that the financial dimension is available, and so is the number of customers in the National Commercial Bank, while it is not. The internal operations dimension is available, but the learning and growth dimension is not available at the National Commercial Bank. The study recommended the need to work to increase the provision of the financial dimension, the need to work to increase the provision of the customer dimension, the necessity of providing the internal operations dimension, and the necessity of providing the learning and growth dimension in the National Commercial Bank.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi دراسة قياسية لتغير سعر الصرف وأثره على سرعة دوران النقود "دراسة للحالة الليبية خلال الفترة (1970-2010) باستخدام منهجية (Gregory and Hansen)" 2023-12-06T22:02:14+00:00 مجدي إجديد رمضان مسعود [email protected] <p>This study is concerned with showing the impact of exchange rate changes on the speed of money circulation in the Libyan economy during the period (1970-2010), and this is based on the standard method by using cointegration regression methods, the threshold cointegration test (Gregory and Hansen, 1996), and the causality test. In the field of frequencies (Breitung &amp; Candelon, 2006).</p> <p>&nbsp; The study found, through the results obtained from the Georgi and Hansen (G-H) test, the existence of a long-run complementary relationship between the two variables of the study with a structural fraction recorded in the years (1973, 2000). The results of estimating the cointegration regression methods “FMOLS, DOLS, CCR” also revealed the existence of a relationship. A non-significant direct correlation between the exchange rate and the speed of money circulation in the long run throughout the study period, in addition to the causality test in the field of frequencies (B-C), the results of which confirmed that there is a causal relationship in one direction starting from the speed of money circulation to the exchange rate in the long run only during the period the study</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi An Exploratory Study on Improving Translation Education in Libyan Universities: A Mixed-Method Study with Student Surveys and Faculties Staff Members Interviews 2023-12-06T22:08:19+00:00 Othman Ahmed Omran AL-Darraji [email protected] <p>The quality of translation education in Libyan universities is affected by several factors, including limited resources, a lack of professional development opportunities, and insufficient support and environment. This influence was demonstrated by the survey conducted by the researcher among 150 students using Likert. I also conducted semi-structured interviews with staff members of the translation department. The Findings highlighted the challenges faced by students and staff members in achieving high-quality translation education in Libyan universities. The findings also indicated that the translation education sector in Libya requires significant investments to enhance the skills of teachers and students and improve access to resources. The study findings also emphasized the significant obstacles that Libyan universities face in providing high-quality translation education, including limited access to basic resources such as translation materials, technology, and financing, along with insufficient infrastructure and support systems. Hence, the study concluded that investment and support from the Ministry of Higher Education are crucial to overcome these barriers and enhance the quality of translation education in the country.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi Adequacy of Corporate Governance Mechanisms as Guide for Investors’ Decision 2023-12-06T22:14:26+00:00 Mohamed Issa [email protected] <p>Corporate Governance (CG) mechanisms have become an important topic and are increasing yearly in the world. This paper examined the adequacy of CG mechanisms on investors’ decisions in Libyan firms. The dimensions in this study included compliance with the principles of CG, audit mechanisms, and disclosure and transparency mechanisms. Using a questionnaire to collect data about CG mechanisms for a random sample of 100 investors in the Libyan market. The study found that there was no statistically significant relationship between the CG mechanisms in the firms and investors’ decisions. Finally, the CG mechanisms did not provide the investors with enough clues about a good investment.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms Among Medical Students at University of Benghazi 2023-12-06T23:40:31+00:00 Safaa Farag Ferjani [email protected] Marwa Farag Ferjani [email protected] <p><strong>Aim:</strong> To determine the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome among medical students at the University of Benghazi using Rome IV criteria, and to compare the results between students based on their gender and academic year, whether basic (from the first to the third year) or clinical (fourth and fifth years).</p> <p><strong>Material and Methods:</strong>&nbsp; A cross-sectional observational study was carried out among medical students at the University of Benghazi using Rome IV criteria. Data was collected from June 10th, 2022, to August 31st, 2022, and a semi-structured questionnaire was used. The sample included students from the first year to the fifth year of medicine.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> This study included data from 381 medical students, whose ages ranged from 19 to 39. The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome was found to be 16.01%. Our study found no association between IBS symptoms and gender (p = 0.79). Additionally, no association was observed between IBS symptoms and academic year (p = 0.076), coffee consumption (p = 0.4), as well as smoking (p = 0.9).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome was more observed in females in this study; however, we did not find a significant statistical difference between males and females in the prevalence of IBS. Additionally, there was no significant statistical difference in the prevalence of IBS among medical students whether they were in their basic years or clinical years. Furthermore, in our study, IBS was related neither to coffee nor to cigarette smoking.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi تقييم إدارة المخلفات الطبية بالمراكز الصحية بمدينة سرت المركز من وجهة نظر الطواقم الطبية والطبية المساعدة 2023-12-06T22:20:15+00:00 علي عمران الزرقة [email protected] فجرة صالح فرج [email protected] <p>This study aims to assess the management of medical waste in health centers in the city of Sirte, the center. And the medical assistants in the health centers (Al-Zafaran Health Center, Omar Al-Mukhtar Health Center, and the Third Residential District Health Center), which numbered (30) forms, then a description of the study community and the study sample was presented, and statistical analysis was relied on using the statistical program (spss) statistical package for social science to test hypotheses, using statistical methods (arithmetic mean and standard deviation in data analysis and hypothesis testing). The study was conducted during the months of March and April of this year. The study concluded with a number of results, the most important of which are: the lack of proper management of medical waste within the health centers, and the process of separation and disposal of medical waste is not well done, and in light of these results, the study recommended the necessity of organizing a number of seminars and lectures on the proper management of dealing with waste medical.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi تقييم الأداء الإنتـــــاجي لدجاج البيــــاض سلالة Hy-line تحت الظروف الليبية 2023-12-06T22:30:57+00:00 أنور ناجي عبد الله الفوني [email protected] محمد إدريس الشلماني [email protected] ناصر خليفة محمد سالم [email protected] <p>The study was carried out in a private sector farmspecializing on commercial egg production (Ali Shabaan’s farm), located five kilometresfrom northern Suluq. The study's objective was to investigate the productive performance of Hy-line layers under Libyan conditions. Records of three houses of white egg Hy-line layers were used from 13/5/2019 to 24/11/2020 under Libyan management, where some productive and livability traits were measured, including a percentage of daily hen day egg production (HDEP), hen house egg production (HHEP), daily egg production, accumulation mortality rate and feed efficiency (kg diet/12 eggs)The findings showed HDEP and HHEP at 31 week age was 95% and 93%, respectively. The number of egg production was 311 and 285 eggs/year in HDEP and HHEP, respectively. The accumulation mortality rate increased during the production phase to 16.7%, affecting layers' production efficiency. On the other hand, no significant differenceswere observed on feed efficiency, except during the first two weeks of the production phase, which fluctuated.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi Parametric Study and Optimization the Effect of TIG Welding Process Parameters on the Corrosion Resistance of 2205 DSS Weldment using Potentiodynamic Polarization Technique 2023-12-06T22:38:36+00:00 Mohamed S. Melad [email protected] Mohamed A. Gebril [email protected] Farag M. Shuaeib [email protected] Farag I. Haidar [email protected] Dawod M. Elabar [email protected] Salah M. Elkoum [email protected] <p>The aim of this research is to analyze and optimize, using response surface methodology RSM, the effect of tungsten inert gas TIG welding parameters, namely welding current WC, welding speed WS, and N<sub>2</sub> addition with Ar as shielding gas, on the corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steel DSS weldments. Due to the combination of alloying elements and the nearly equal amounts of austenite and ferrite phases, DSS has great mechanical characteristics and good corrosion resistance. However, most DSS applications require welding processes to join parts together; these processes affect the microstructure of DSS and lead to the formation of precipitations, resulting in poor mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the effect of TIG welding process parameters on the corrosion resistance of DSS weldments. In this study, the corrosion penetration rate of all DSS weldments was determined using the potentiodynamic polarization technique. The response surface methodology was applied in order to achieve the mathematical model that describes the relationship between above mentioned welding variables and corrosion penetration rate of DSS weldment. Results showed that WC and N<sub>2</sub> are the most important parameters that affected the corrosion penetration rate. Meanwhile, the results clarified that when increasing WC with decreasing WS, which corresponds to the highest heat input, the corrosion penetration rate increased due to the appearance of the precipitations. The same results were obtained for decreasing welding current while increasing welding speed, which corresponds to the lowest heat input due to the increase in ferrite content. On the other hand, the results also found that the addition of a small amount of N<sub>2</sub> with Ar as shielding gas leads to a decrease in the corrosion penetration rate. However, the increase in the amount of N<sub>2</sub> leads to an increase in the corrosion penetration rate due to the reappearance of the precipitations.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi Evaluating the Efficiency of Restricted Pseudo Likelihood Estimation in Balanced and Unbalanced Clustered Binary Data Models 2023-12-06T23:02:43+00:00 Intesar N. El- Saeiti [email protected] <p>Clustered binary data analysis is a common task in various fields, such as social sciences and epidemiology. Restricted Pseudo Likelihood Estimation (PLE) is a widely used approach for analyzing clustered binary data, providing flexibility in handling complex dependencies within clusters. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of Restricted Pseudo Likelihood Estimation in balanced and unbalanced clustered binary data models. Using simulated data, we compare the performance of PLE in balanced and unbalanced clustered binary data scenarios. We consider various factors such as the number of clusters, cluster sizes, and intra-cluster correlation. The preferred class of models for clustered binary data is the Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model (HGLM). This article compares the performance of a restricted pseudo-likelihood estimation method of the Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model (HGLM) with equal and unequal cluster sizes. Through comprehensive simulation experiments, we assess the accuracy and precision of PLE estimates in terms of parameter estimation, standard errors, and hypothesis testing. Our findings provide insights into the efficiency of Restricted Pseudo Likelihood Estimation (RPLE) in balanced and unbalanced clustered binary data models. The results highlight the advantages and limitations of PLE in different scenarios, aiding researchers in selecting appropriate modeling approaches for their specific data characteristics.&nbsp; The results can guide researchers in making informed decisions regarding the selection and application of PLE in their own studies, ultimately enhancing the validity and reliability of statistical analyses in the presence of clustered binary data.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi The Egwaider Type-I Distribution 2023-12-06T23:07:33+00:00 Mohamed S. A. Muiftah Egwaider [email protected] <p>In this paper the Egwaider Type-I distribution is introduced. It is a discrete distribution generated as a special case of the finite Egwaider distribution. The properties of the resulted discrete distribution are discussed. Some special cases from the resulted discrete distribution are also introduced and some remarks about it are given. Data from this discrete distribution are simulated and used to estimate its shape parameter. Finally, the conclusion and discussion are given.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi Effects of Acetaminophen on the Reproductive Parameters and the Ameliorative Effects of Rutin and Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Male Rats 2023-12-06T23:13:09+00:00 Rabihah E. A. Elduob [email protected] Eda M. A. Alshailabi [email protected] Samia M. Efkeren [email protected] <p>The present study has been designed to evaluate the effects of acetaminophen on the reproductive parameters and the ameliorative effects of rutin and Mesenchymal stem cells in male rats. The rats were divided into two studies: firstly, twenty young male rats were used as a source of bone marrow-derived MSCs. Secondly, fifty adult male rats were divided into 5 groups: Control group (G1); rats were administrated of AAP (750 mg/kg b.w.) every 72h for 21 days, then left for 30 and 60 days without treatment (G2), rats were administrated of AAP for 21 days then treated with RT (25mg/kg b.w/d) for 30 and 60 days (G3), rats were administrated of AAP for 21 days then the rats were injected by BM-MSCs (1.5x 106 cells in 0.5 PBS) in the tail vein for 30 and 60 days (G4), and rats were administrated of AAP for 21 days then the rats were injected by BM-MSCs in the tail vein, then treated with RT for 30 and 60 days (G5). Administration of AAP produced a significant decrease in the mean value of the Te, LH, and FSH levels after 30 and 60 days as compared to the C groups. Whereas rats treated with RT and MSCs showed a significantly high increase in the mean values of these hormone levels after 30 and 60 days compared with the AAP group. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that RT and MSCs when treated in combination, are protected against the AAP-induced decrease in the hormone level of testicular.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi A Prevalence of Thyroid Disorders at Al-Wahat Region of Libya During 2022 2023-12-06T23:29:03+00:00 Hamdy AB. Matter [email protected] Tariq M Ayad [email protected] Yasser Nofal [email protected] Ali Inwajy [email protected] <p>About 1272 cases of thyroid hormones were examined. The study was conducted during the year 2022 in the Al-Wahat region / Libya, it was found that 10.5% suffer from a disorder in their hormones, 40% of these cases suffer from a deficiency in their hormones, and 60% of them suffer from an excess. The number of women who suffer from a disorder in their hormones was 81%, while the number of men was 19%, 48% of women with high, and those with low was 33%. In addition, 13% of the males with high and those with low was 6%. It was found that the high and low % increase as the normal distribution from the age of 30 to 70 for all cases of thyroid gland disorder with a mean of 44 years and a standard deviation S = 17.5 for high values, and 18.9 for low values. The variation coefficient of 39.7 and 42.9, and the most common age was (The mode) for the high is 40 years and for the low is 30 years. In other words, the high is greater than the low for them, and the mean in both cases is the age of 40. The most common values for the high are at 42 in general, while in low they have about 37 years, and the median in high is about 45 years, while in low is about 30 years. The high is higher for males than the low and the mean for high is 49 years, while for low is 60 years, and S = 20.2 for high and S = 27.7 for low, and there is no correlation between high or low between men and women as indicated by the measurement of Pearson's correlation coefficient.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi Calcium Oxide as an Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst for Production of Biodiesel 2023-12-06T23:34:51+00:00 Enas A Almadani [email protected] Kareima A Abdelghani [email protected] Fatimah Abouejeelah Omar [email protected] <p>This study was carried out on biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using commercial and synthesized calcium oxide. Synthesized calcium oxide was prepared by calcination of the waste chicken bones at 800 C<sup>o</sup> for 7 hours. The prepared samples were characterized using FT-IR, SEM, EDX and N<sub>2</sub>-sorption at 77.3 K. The catalytic activity of these catalysts was investigated by transesterification of waste cooking oil with two types of alcohol (ethanol and methanol). The yields of biodiesel using synthesized CaO were 73% with methanol and 65.5% with ethanol, while using commercial CaO were 71 % and 63 %. The results indicated that the CaO catalysts derived from waste chicken bones showed high potential to be used as biodiesel production catalysts in transesterification of cooking oil with methanol and ethanol.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi