The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi
<p>The journal of the University of Benghazi publishes original research and review papers in all fields of pure and applied sciences, arts, economics, medicine, engineering, and law.</p> <p>The journal publishes four issues per year in two volumes.</p> <p><em><strong>Attention:</strong> <strong> </strong></em><strong>All scientific journals issued by the University of Benghazi close the submission of publication requests through its website. All publication requests and your scientific research are received via the email of each scientific journal.</strong></p>en-US[email protected] (مجلة جامعة بنغازي العلمية (sjuob))[email protected] (خليفة الأثرم)Thu, 26 Dec 2024 14:26:36 +0000OJS Enhancement by Re-Perforation in Abu-Attifel Oil Field -Libya
<p>The Libyan National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced a strategic plan at the beginning of 2023 to increase the level of oil production to two million barrels per day. Companies operating in the oil sector have, in turn, started implementing NOC's plan to increase recovery rates from the fields they operate. Mellitah Oil and Gas B.V. Company, Libya branch, started developing measures to enhance production in the Abu-Attifel Oil field. The company sought to enhance the productivity of the two wells, A1 and A3, located in the A100 concession, from the upper Nubian Sandstone reservoir using the Re-perforation technique, as the level of production from these two wells had decreased due to scale formation caused by the accompanying water during production and high temperatures, which led to closing some of perforation intervals. In February 2024, the company succeeded in increasing oil production by 976 STB/D in the A1/A100 well and by 557 STB/D in the A3/A100 well, compared to late 2023 levels, which reflecting the efficacy of the Re-perforation technique in mitigating scale-related issues and optimizing reservoir performance.</p>Ibrahim H. El-Sahati , Naji Amir, Hameeda A. Mahdi
Copyright (c) 2024, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Evaluation of Air Quality Status Near the Industrial Zone of Brega City Using Pollution Indicators
<p>Air pollution has grown to be a serious environmental problem in recent years, having an impact on both the environment and human health. Air quality indicators were calculated using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency procedure in order to assess the state and quality of air surrounding Brega city. The study examined the air quality during the period of February 2020 to June 2021, using an average standard of 24 hours to measure pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, respirable suspension particles, and suspended particles in four different locations. The findings showed that the levels of air pollution for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, PM10, and PM2.5 were consistently above the allowable limit at all sampling sites and that the relative air quality index fell within the severe air pollution range.</p>Mona A.M. Alghamq, Tawfig A.M. Falani
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Examining the Subjective Reasons Leading to Disparities in Academic Achievement among Students in the Architectural Design course at the University of Tripoli.
<p>Architectural education plays a vital role in developing and advancing the urban structure and raising the level of performance of technical departments to achieve a better standard of living for the country’s people within international standards. Architectural design is considered one of the most important basic subjects in the crystallization and formation of an architect's personality. Therefore, the disparity and sometimes weakness of the scientific achievement of students in the Department of Architecture in this subject undoubtedly leads to the inability of graduates to contribute to the process of construction effectively in practical life. This research aims to find out the reasons for the disparity in educational achievement among students of the architectural design subject in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Tripoli. The Descriptive Analytical method was employed to identify key challenges hindering students' educational progress in architectural design courses AR 302 and AR 403. The study examined a sample that comprised over <sup>2</sup>5% of the students across the two courses. The results were that all reasons for lack of achievement related to the students themselves. They were represented in order and according to importance in the degree of intelligence; hobbies; method of reading; access to books and references and the extent of benefiting from them; and attention and concentration during lectures. The study found that students did not have the moral courage to answer questions due to shyness (91.7%) and fear of the professor (8.3%). The research resulted in a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that professors should invest in the first meeting with students when presenting the course program. The study also recommends professors provide students with advice and guidance in developing their IQ, aim to reduce or eradicate the effects of shyness, and encourage and motivate students to participate in discussions and ask questions. Implementation of these recommendations will increase the likelihood of fostering an integrated educational institution that is constructive and capable of graduating confident scientific cadres.</p>Mariam M. Shibub
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Reviving the Ruins of Berenice in the Sidi Khrebish Area of Benghazi Old City by Using Holographic Technology
<p>The city of Benghazi contains rich archaeological and historical monuments that form the spirit of the city, its civilization, and its ancient history, which needs to be preserved and revived in order to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of the city and its buildings and sites. Sometimes preservation involves many different aspects, such as celebrating events, people, places, and ideas that we are proud of. It also sometimes involves recognizing moments in our history that can be painful or uncomfortable to remember. Sidi Khreibish is an archaeological area of important historical value for the Old City of Benghazi in particular and for the city of Benghazi in general. Through the lighthouse, which constitutes the main landmark, it needs to be revived and presented again. With the technical development in the use of technology in architecture, especially in virtual reality and simulation applications, it has become possible to create a virtual environment using technology to reformulate the architectural and urban heritage. This is done by illusioning the recipient’s eye with non-existent 3D models or surfaces that are shaped in a vacuum using advanced hologram techniques and presenting it as a default model. The current study included an integrated analysis of the study area and how the holographic imaging technique could be used, which has a unique feature that enables it to recreate the image of the original objects in its three dimensions to a very high degree, in order to re-embody the Old City and highlight its features of great historical value for the region and revive it within the fabric of the urban city.</p> <p><strong>KEYWORDS:</strong> , , , .</p>Fathea A. Gumma , Zoha G. Trabelsi
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Physical and Gamma Ray Attenuation Properties of Bismuth-Lead-Phosphate Glass
<p>In this paper, the physical characteristics and radiation attenuation parameters of five ternary (50-x) PbO-xBi<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-50P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> glass samples with different compositions were examined. The physical properties investigated were glass density (ρ), molar volume (V<sub>M</sub>), molar volume of oxygen (V<sub>O</sub>), and oxygen packing density (OPD). An empirical formula was used to determine the glass density theoretically and compared with the experimental density obtained from the Archimedes method. The comparison yielded reasonable results but did not achieve the desired level of accuracy as expected. The findings revealed that both density and molar volume exhibited an increase with higher Bi<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> content. However, the molar volume of oxygen (V<sub>O</sub>) and oxygen packing density (OPD) show inconsistent behavior, showing a slight increase in V<sub>O</sub> and a decrease in OPD. Furthermore, the essential radiation properties, including the coefficient of linear attenuation (LAC), coefficient of mass attenuation (MAC), half-value layer (HVL), and tenth-value layer (TVL), were determined through experimental and theoretical calculations using the NaI (Tl) detection system and the Phy-X/PSD program, respectively. The results indicated reasonable consistency between the two methods, with the Bi16Pb34P50 sample demonstrating superior radiological properties among the samples. Overall, the study illustrated that the addition of bismuth to phosphate and lead glass improved the glass samples' radiation and physical characteristics.</p>Abo-alqasem S. Mater , Rasha A. Mansouri , Daefalla M. Tawati , Fawzi A. Ikraiam , Nagi A. Hussien
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Soaking and Cooking Techniques: A Study on Nutritional Enhancement of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Libyan Cuisine
<p>This study investigates the effect of soaking duration, cooking time, and the type of water used on the mineral and nutritional content of common beans (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris L.</em>) available in the Libyan market. Common beans are a significant source of essential minerals, making them a staple food in Libya. The research involved preparing beans through various methods: uncooked (control), unsoaked, boiled in desalinated water, and soaked for 12 hours in four different types of water (distilled, desalinated, artificial river, and well water) before boiling. Samples were measured using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results demonstrated that soaking beans significantly reduced cooking time and enhanced the retention of vital minerals. The concentrations of minerals (mg/100 ml) in the cooked beans were as follows: sodium (Na) ranged from 2.8 to 49.3, calcium (Ca) from 8.4 to 20.8, potassium (K) from 189.0 to 742.8, zinc (Zn) from 1.1 to 2.1, barium (Ba) from 159.1 to 300.9, and iron (Fe) from 1.2 to 37.7, depending on the soaking and cooking conditions. Additionally, the type of water used for soaking and cooking influenced the mineral content, with artificial river and well water yielding higher concentrations of beneficial nutrients such as Na ranged from 400 to 628 mg/100 ml and Ca ranged from 50 to 73 mg/100 ml. The measured concentration of heavy metals in the samples is low and falls within the normal range according to the Libyan food specifications. This research contributes to the understanding of how traditional cooking practices can be improved for better health outcomes. The findings highlight the importance of proper soaking and cooking techniques in maximizing the nutritional value of common beans, providing practical recommendations for consumers and food preparers.</p>Zienab M. Abdel-Gader , Najat Al-Ghatmi , Abubaker A. Sharif , Zenab Al-kamoushy
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Evaluation of the Recycling Conditions Through Injection Molding Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
<p>Recycling plastic products is still essential and crucial in every country around the globe due to its positive benefits on the environment and the economy. There are several mixing procedures for recycling, and it is crucial to understand how these mixtures affect the quality of products by standards and specifications. Consequently, it is helpful to apply analysis and prediction techniques to find out scientifically. Artificial intelligence "AI" techniques are widely used in many manufacturing engineering fields such as recycling operations. This is because of the many advantages that artificial intelligence techniques offer, including the ability to reduce human errors, save time, provide digital support, and make objective decisions. This study intends to employ the fuzzy logic method as one of the "AI" techniques for predicting a significant property that customers frequently need based on their quality levels and standards. This study employed the injection molding process to forecast the values of a mechanical characteristic, specifically tensile strength, under specific operating conditions based on data from the authors' earlier work. This investigation was conducted using two distinct mixing plans. The first mixed all the raw materials, while the second mixed 50% of the raw materials with 50% of the recycled materials. The fuzzy logic results were acquired, and the mean absolute percentage error for the two plans was calculated. Additionally, the outcomes of the current study, which employed the fuzzy logic approach, were contrasted with those of the earlier study, which utilized the response surface methodology approach. Furthermore, the results showed that the response surface technique approach is more accurate than the fuzzy logic since it has the lowest mean absolute percentage error.</p>Salah Elsheikhi , Abdelaziz Badi
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Preliminary Study on the Use of Chemical Pesticides in Beir Bullerjam's Farms, Suluq, Libya
<p>Pesticides in Libya have increased recently in the agriculture sector to control pests, consequently improving field and horticultural crop productivity. The present study was undertaken to assess the current pesticide utilization among farmers in different farms across Beir Bullerjam's area. Data were collected from farmers using a structured questionnaire containing the following (socio-demographic details, awareness and knowledge, and farmer practices). Our results show that all farmers were male (100%), their farming experience was 13 years, and their average age was 46 years old. Not surprisingly, farmers did not know the modes or the compositions of pesticides being used and relied mainly on pesticide commercial retailers' knowledge. The most commonly used pesticides were: insecticides, herbicides, acaricides, and fungicides (47%), (34%), (18%), and (2%) respectively. Moreover, their trade names were: Oscar wp® 50, Roundup, Gramoxyone (herbicides), AQ Dorsban*4, Permethrin, Cyberkill 25, Mospy-one 20% sp, Fl-oil, Voliam Targo (insecticides), Vertimec (acaricide), and Strike (fungicide), and they were regularly utilized by farmers in this survey. We found that farmers reuse the same pesticides over years which may result in pesticide resistance of the targeted pest. Additionally, heavy use of insecticides by farmers could harm bee populations negatively in the region or decrease the natural enemies of pests. Farmer's awareness and attitudes towards pesticide use must be improved through agriculture extension agents or workshops for better food, healthy people, and ecosystems. </p>Marei M. Abdullah , Adrees A. A. Alhursh , Shuayb M. O. Alajeeli
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Practical Design of a Home Appliance Control System Using Audio Signals
<p>In this paper, the design of a system that controls home appliances using voice commands is considered. This system may be utilized by people with special needs and the elderly. By using just their voice, they can control the lighting of their room, and turn on or off their television, air conditioner, or fan with safety and security and without needing someone else's assistance. This may be achieved by passing their voice commands to a microcontroller, (Arduino), through a device that uses voice or speech recognition technology. Herein, the system is designed at the lowest possible costs. Two basic ways are discussed to build this system, a wired system that does not depend on wireless technologies and the other depends on Bluetooth technology. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. The hardware parts utilized in the design process are the Arduino Uno, Relay Module, and voice recognition module. The latter could be replaced by a Bluetooth module and a smartphone with an application that uses voice or speech recognition technology. The proposed wired system proved to be advantageous in terms of privacy, security and reliability. A comparison between the two systems is concluded at the end of this paper.</p>Ahmed Tahir , Malak Ahmed , Antisar Miftah Mohammed , Fatima Mohammed Jibreel , Aya Elfakhry
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Genetic Stability Assessment of Three Tomato Hybrids (Lycopersicon esculentum) grown in the Libyan Green Mountains Using SRAP and RAPD Techniques
<p>The genetic diversity of F1 tomato hybrid (Nada, Mona, and Dania) grown in Libyan Green Mountain (LGM) was investigated using SRAP and RAPD molecular marker techniques while the coefficient of variation C.V was used to investigate F1 seed purity. The coefficient of variation C.V., in the three cultivars Nada, Mona and Dania are 31.88, 51.66 and 44.18, respectively, indicating the homogeneity of Nada cultivar over Dania and Mona. The SRAP marker provided a total number of 29 amplified DNA bands with an average of 9.67 bands per primer, 26 of which were polymorphic (67% polymorphism), while the RAPD marker provided a total of 73 bands with an average of 14.6 bands per primer; all of them were 100% polymorphic. The genetic diversity for the three studied cultivars was 0.31, whereas Nada cultivar was the most homogeneous recording a genetic diversity of 0.24 compared with Mona 0.25 and Dania 0.28 Dania. Principal coordinate analysis (PcoA) divided tomato F1 hybrid samples into two main groups, the first (A) includes all the plants of a Nada hybrid cultivar, while group (B) consists of overlapping of Dania and Mona cultivars, reflecting the genetic relatedness.</p>Amani Emsaed, Abdelrezk Elkagkheg , Khaled Elmeer
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Optimizing Quality Control: A Comprehensive Analysis of Computer Vision Methods for Assessing Vegetables and Fruits
<p>Efficient quality control in the agriculture sector, particularly regarding the inspection of vegetables and fruits, stands as a critical necessity in today's health-focused industry. Conventional fruit grading methods, ill-suited for large-scale production, demand an automated, non-invasive, and economically feasible substitute. Computer vision emerges as a promising avenue, leveraging image analysis and machine learning algorithms to evaluate the quality of produce. The convergence of computer vision and image processing technologies in contemporary agriculture has brought about a substantial transformation in quality assessment methodologies. This paper conducts an in-depth exploration of the amalgamation of computer vision and image processing techniques for the evaluation of agricultural produce quality. Through a comprehensive review, this scientific analysis investigates the integration of computer vision and image processing techniques in agricultural quality assessment. It scrutinizes key studies, their practical implementations, outcomes, and the research voids they reveal. Technological progressions within the agricultural domain have the potential to amplify productivity and curtail the circulation of flawed or substandard products. Moreover, this study deliberates on the forthcoming trends in computer vision technology applications, accentuating their prospective influence on the vegetables and fruits industry.</p>Zahow Muftah Khamees , Abdusalam Aboubaker Abdusalam
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Implementation of Statistical Control Processes in Benghazi's Food Industry
<p>Quality control is a crucial aspect of any organization aiming to reach a high-quality level by providing products or services that satisfy customer needs. Control charts are among the most effective tools used to detect the occurrence of defects in the manufacturing process so they can be fixed before being delivered to the customers. This paper aims to assess the filling machine's performance in the Al-WAHA factory. In this investigation, a control chart and process capacity were implemented. Comprehensive details on the control chart and process capacity are discussed, along with an overview of the literature on related subjects. 33 samples of 800-gram jars' worth of data were examined. The metrics for performance were computed. Through the control charts S and X, it was found that there were ten out-of-control samples in the mean chart (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 21, 23, 32, 33) and one observation in the variance chart (30) due to assignable reasons. After excluding the samples that caused the variance in the mean chart, the control charts. Both the S and X charts are within the control limits. Filling process capacity = 0.59, the process is unable to meet the specifications, and about 23.48% of the fillings are above 810 grams and 1.51% are below 790 grams. The CPK value describes the process as decentralized.</p>Naji Abdelwanis , Asma Alkshir , Eman Al-Amami , Sondos AlWarfali , Abdelaziz Badi
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Effect of Polymer Flooding on Oil Recovery Using Reservoir Simulation, Umm-Faroud Field, Sirt Basin, Libya
<p>This work uses Polymer flooding as an Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technique to increase the injected water viscosity to reduce the mobility ratio and improve sweep efficiency. A reservoir model was constructed using the reservoir-simulating method with Computer Modeling Group software (CMGs IMEX) to predict the oil production and water cut from Umm Foroud field, Sirt Basin, Libya. The models are based on data collected from 17 wells from the Umm Foroud field. Off which, five wells were utilized to build the models, while the other 12 wells were used to validate them. Three scenarios were made; the first was used to predict oil recovery with water injection only, with no polymer, the second model to predict oil recovery with polymer flooding of 10% concentration, and the third with polymer flooding of 20% concentration. The viscosity of water increased by two different concentrations of polymers. Results showed that when water viscosity increased, a significant reduction in mobility ratio occurred and hence, the sweep efficiency was improved. Oil production was improved (increased) in the second and third scenarios where the polymer-flooding scenario (10% and 20% polymer solution concentration) was used. However, the water cut was reduced when compared to water injection. </p>Salem Eljareh , Hameeda Mahdi , Asmaa A. Gwazi
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Surgeons Opinions on Management of Normal Appendix during Laparoscopy for Right Iliac Fossa Pain
<p>Right iliac fossa (RIF) pain is a common presentation in surgical emergencies, often leading to the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. However, the management of a normal appendix encountered during laparoscopic exploration for RIF pain remains debated among surgeons, with implications for patient outcomes and healthcare resources. This study aimed to assess the opinions of surgeons regarding the management of a normal appendix during laparoscopic surgery for RIF pain of uncertain etiology. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 150 surgeons in Benghazi, yielding a 65.33% response rate. The survey collected demographic data, management opinions, and factors influencing decision-making regarding the removal of a normal appendix during laparoscopic procedures. The results showed that of the 98 respondents, approximately 80% reported that they routinely remove a normal appendix during laparoscopic surgery, primarily to prevent future appendicitis and avoid patient confusion. While most surgeons explained the risks and benefits of this decision to their patients, opinions varied on whether the decision should be made collaboratively. Notably, only 2% reported complications related to the removal of a normal appendix. The findings indicate a significant lack of consensus among surgeons concerning the management of a normal appendix during laparoscopic procedures. While many opt for routine removal, a substantial minority advocate for a more selective approach. The variability in practices highlights the need for clear, evidence-based guidelines to standardize care and optimize patient outcomes. This study underscores the heterogeneity in the management of normal appendices during laparoscopic exploration for RIF pain. Further research is necessary to develop definitive recommendations that can guide surgeons in clinical practice.</p>Ashref Tarhuni , Haitham Elmehdawi
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Effect of Iron Deficiency Anemia on HbA1C among Non-Diabetic Adults in Benghazi, Libya
<p>Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is the most common hematological disorder that has an impact on various physiological processes in the body. This research aims to investigate the relation between IDA and HbA1c levels, a marker of long-term glycemic control. Data from 100 patients with IDA and 100 as a control group were collected from the First Medical Tech Laboratory in Benghazi, Libya, and analyzed using SPSS version 21. The distribution of age and sex among the groups was described using frequency and summary statistics. The statistical analysis showed that the data follows a normal distribution. However, it was not homogenous. Consequently, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was employed. The results indicated no statistically significant correlation between IDA and HbA1c levels (p = 0.08), suggesting that IDA may not have a significant impact on long-term glycemic control. These findings contribute to the existing body of literature on the relationship between IDA and HbA1c levels, and many researchers suggest the fact that IDA increases HbA1c levels; others align with our results by showing no correlation; some even suggest that IDA decreases HBA1c levels. These conflicting results highlight the need for further research to shed light on the underlying mechanisms involved.</p>Basma F. Idris, Ibtisam Kaziri , Ghada Suliman Meelad , Saad Mohamed Saad , Tamim Suliman Meelad , Abeer H. A. Amer
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Evaluation of Practice and Awareness of the Safety Profile of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) among Dental Practitioners: A Cross-Sectional Study
<p>Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the common medications used by dental practitioners to relieve dental pain and control post-operative signs of inflammation. NSAIDs, irrespective of their benefits, have a lot of hazards because of misuse and faulty prescriptions by dentists. The aim of this study is to evaluate the current use of NSAIDs during dental practice and to evaluate the association of the level of education and years of experience of dental practitioners with the awareness of the safety profile of NSAIDs. This observational cross-sectional study was conducted in Benghazi city between August and October 2024. The sample size is composed of 341 dentists. Participants were selected randomly from approximately every dental clinic in Benghazi. The questionnaire is composed of sections including assessment of drug use and drug-precautionary awareness. It is structured with checklist answers and was formulated in English. It is filled by the dentists during a visit to their dental clinics on the basis of an interview. The Statistics Package for Social Science Version 21 (SPSS) software was used for transferring and analysis of data. The results showed that the females accounted for the majority (60.7%). General practitioners represented 67.7% of the participants. About 61.0% of the dentists had clinical experience of less than 10 years. Ibuprofen and Ketoprofen were the most prescribed NSAIDs, 67.2% and 51.6, respectively. More than fifty percent (55.4%) of the participants used to prescribe NSAIDs for less than three days. Postoperative pain and dental pain were the most common clinical indications that NSAIDs were prescribed, 71.3% and 59.5%, respectively. Pregnancy was the most cited to be contraindicated (58.9%). Awareness of avoiding NSAIDs in the case of peptic ulcer patient was associated with years of experience of the dentists (<em>P</em>=0.030). Participants agreed that nausea was the most side effects (45.2%). Awareness of the interaction between NSAIDs and warfarin was associated with the level of education (<em>P</em>=0.006). The outcomes of the study have revealed less comprehension regarding scientific background knowledge of NSAIDs. There was little effect of level of education and years of experience on the awareness of the safety profile of NSAIDs during dental practice. Therefore, a lot of efforts should be focused on improving the knowledge for making proper therapeutic decisions and minimizing the risk of serious adverse effects on the patients who attend dental clinics.</p>Loai A. F. Ben Saod , Wael Ramadan Eid Albhbah
Copyright (c) 2024 The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000Feature Distribution and Word Order Variation in Arabic Clauses: A Minimalist Account
<p>Arabic subject-verb agreement is asymmetrical: in VSO order the verb agrees with the subject in person and gender (partial agreement), whereas in SVO order the verb exhibits number agreement as well (full agreement). This agreement asymmetry has received a lot of attention in the generative literature over the past three decades. In fact, more than twenty proposals have been put forward in a number of different theoretical frameworks. At the same time, there have been no attempts for a formal treatment of OVS word order constructions. With respect to agreement, the OVS verb exhibits both of the properties that exist in the other word order types (VSO and SVO): partial agreement with the post-verbal subject and full agreement with the pre-verbal DP. A more thorough consideration of the data reveals that pre-verbal DPs share a number of other rather interesting properties. Our empirical findings lead to the conclusion that pre-verbal DPs (i.e., the superficial subject and object of SVO and OVS, respectively) are actually topics. The real subject of SVO and, similarly, the object of OVS is in fact verbally bound pronominal clitics. Using a Merge, Move and Agree-based theory of phrase structure and feature checking; and a Multiple Spell-Out model of phasal derivation, we hope to demonstrate that the computational systems of Minimalist Syntax can provide an adequate treatment of seven constructions: VSO, SVO and OVS, as well as four related variants (Ɂinna-headed SVO and OVS, and pro-drop SVO and OVS).</p>Ali S. Ellafi
Copyright (c) 2024, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000