Emperor charlemagne and the Church-The political Religious Alliance.


  • Eman Abd elhamed Farg Omar Al-Mukhtar University.




Frances, Carolingians, Charlemagne, Pope Hadrien I, Pope Leon III, Lombards, Bavarians, Fris


This research came under the title: Emperor Charlemagne and the Church (The Political-Religious Alliance(.

The introduction contained a simple explanation of what the research dealt with, in addition to the importance of the topic and its objectives.

The research dealt with: (The Pope Hadrian and the Lombard Problem), in which he mentioned the relationship of Emperor Charlemagne with the Pope Hadrian and his position on the conflict between the Pope and the Lombards, especially in Italy and the wars that were raging between the two parties from time to time, just as Charlemagne at the beginning of this conflict was standing at the same distance between the two parties However, with the continuation of this struggle and for the sake of the interests that brought him together with the Pope Hadrian, he began to tend to support this Pope against the Lombards, leading to granting him what was known as the "pope's gift" in the year 774 AD, in which Charlemagne recognized most of Italy as belonging to the Pope Hadrian, but Charlemagne's preoccupation with his wars against the Saxons He made him move away from his allegiance to the Pope Hadrian, until the year 777 AD came, as in this year Charlemagne was born with a son, and the Pope Hadrian baptized him, so this step was a good opportunity for the return of alliances again.

      As he referred to (the alliance of King Charlemagne and Pope Hadrian against the Bavarians and the Frisians), this topic was devoted to the alliance of Charlemagne and Hadrian against another enemy, namely the Bavarians, but the matter is somewhat different from the Lombards, as the Lombards were originally enemies of the Pope Hadrian only, but the Bavars were enemies of both parties, i.e. Charlemagne and Hadrian ; Because the Bavarians had sworn allegiance to the Carolingians at the time of Pepin the Short and to his sons after him, just as the Pope obliged him to obey him and the Church, otherwise he would be subjected to the penalty of excommunication in addition to the conflict with the Frisians and their inclusion in the Christian religion.

In conclusion, it came (Pope Leon III, "the new ally"). From the beginning, Pope Leon III had won the favor of Charlemagne, so I preferred to call him in this topic the new ally, despite his lack of acceptance by the rest of the bishops and clergy. Because he was not from the nobles, but from the common people, so he was subjected to several attempts to remove him from the papal chair, but Charlemagne was defending him vigorously, as Leon III was a major reason for his coronation as emperor, in the year 800 AD and naming the Holy Roman Empire under the leadership of Charlemagne and with the blessing of Pope Leo III, Emperor Charlemagne became the spiritual leader of the Romans


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Author Biography

Eman Abd elhamed Farg, Omar Al-Mukhtar University.

محاضر بقسم التاريخ بكلية الآداب جامعة عمر المختار


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How to Cite

عبدالحميد فرج آدم إ. . (2024). Emperor charlemagne and the Church-The political Religious Alliance. Global Libyan Journal, (67), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.37376/glj.vi67.5901


