The role of the Bahri Mamluks in facing the Seventh Crusade ( 1248- 1254AD/ 646-652AH)


  • Suliman Bohwish



Mamluk - the crusaders of the Seventh Crusade - the Levant .


The good king Ayoub was the main reason of planting the seeds of the first Mamluk state, he brought young slavesand prepared them according to strict rules, and they became rulers who occupied high positions, and the influence of the Mamluks increased, after they shape the main part of the army, especially many army leaders are from the Mamluks, thus they rose in status with their heroic actions.The Mamluks serviced the good king Ayoub, through preserving his king, from avaricious menwho were whether the rulers of the Levant, or the crusaders of the Seventh Crusade 1250 AD. Due to the internal conflicts andthe symbolic role of Abbasid Caliphate, the Ayyubid rule ended in Egypt, and became a weakness in the Levant. Thus, Navy Mamluks became independent.Europe's inability (represented by the King of France) to achieve its goals and the Mamluk victory over the Mongols at the Battle of Ain Goliath in 1260, were the key reason for ending the Ayyubid claim to Egypt, and the Mamluk sultan was recognized as general sovereignty by the Ayyubid princes and established an Islamic empire, which was one of the strongest and richest empires of 1250-1517 in Egypt, North Africa and the Levant.


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دور المماليك البحرية في تصدي الحملة الصليبية السابعة (1248-1254م/ 646- 652ه)



How to Cite

بوحويش س. . . (2022). The role of the Bahri Mamluks in facing the Seventh Crusade ( 1248- 1254AD/ 646-652AH). Global Libyan Journal, (56).


