Assess the quality of water sources used for agricultural purposes in the Tobruk area


  • Adel Al-Hassi



This study was conducted for the purpose of assessing the quality of some of the water
used for irrigation sources in the Tobruk area and compare it with the world rankings for
irrigation water . Where the identification and selection of seven different sources of water
used for irrigation , distributed in and around the study area , including 6 samples where
groundwater is used for irrigation water and one sample of the desalination plant Tobruk .
Where he conducted on samples chemical analyzes on two shifts a month ( 6) month (12)
of the year 2015, where it was three classifications made for assessing water quality for
irrigation , a classification laboratories US Almilojh 0.1954 , the classification of the Food
and Agriculture Organization Manual ( FAO ) for the year 1985. The rating iTunes (Eaton.
1950). The results showed a difference in the quality of water depending on their location
and their source , has shown that (E.C) value between the two periods to sample the
desalination plant it falls within the low- salinity water , C1 also showed that the value of
both (SAR) and (SAR.Adj) (RSC) and chloride The boron and nitrates have been low and
, therefore, is valid for Irrigation Subject to the existence of exchange and laundry
Algid.ama Alahtah water samples and water and led Bdhu was the value of (EC) within
the water quality Mrtvh salinity( C3) also showed that the value of both (SAR) and (SAR.
Adj)) and (RSC) and Alkelsrad were medium and therefore we expect the possibility of
high salinity problem of the use of this type of water for irrigation . A The final results
showed that the water shed sources outside the chrome horse and Alkarzbh and gut where
the value of the (EC) within the water quality is high too salty (C4) and that the value of
both (SAR) and (SAR.Adj) (RSC) , chloride, nitrate was high and also high boron
concentration in the sample Alkarzbh and therefore considered unsuitable for agricultural
purposes, and we expect the growing problem of toxic ions and Kalporon Alkelsrad and
nitrates on the plant and soil


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تقييم نوعية مصادر المياه المستخدمة للأغراض الزراعية فى  منطقة طبرق



How to Cite

الحاسي ع. (2016). Assess the quality of water sources used for agricultural purposes in the Tobruk area. Global Libyan Journal, (8).


