Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) for Libyan Children in Benghazi: An ep- idemiological survey on school children in Benghazi city


  • Mubarakah Abraheem
  • Mahfud Mohamed



Keywords: IOTN, Orthodontic Index, Malocclusion,School Children


Background: malocclusion is a common oral health problem that can affect the psychosocial well-being in the
long term. Many indices were developed to prioritize patients so that those who have the greatest need receive
treatment. Objectives: this study was aimed to assess the orthodontic treatment need of Libyan children using

index of orthodontic treatment need (IOTN). Methods: Total of 511 students (260 females, 251 males) consti-
tuted the sample, which was randomly selected from age group of 12-14 years in Benghazi public schools. The

dental health component (DHC) of IOTN was applied to assess orthodontic need, whereas the aesthetic com-
ponents (AC) of IOTN along with a questionnaire were used to evaluate participants’ perception towards their

own orthodontic status. Results: the majority of participants (79. 5%) displayed smile satisfaction, with gen-
der difference (p<0. 05). Satisfaction with teeth appearance was showed by 39. 7% of the respondents while

60. 3% of the participants were dissatisfied, owing dissatisfaction to various reasons such as color of their teeth
(9%) and teeth arrangement (34. 8%). More than half of respondents (55%) considered well arrangement of
teeth is crucial for overall facial appearance. According to ac there was a strong agreement between researcher
and respondents in treatment need. The researcher found 10% were definitely needed treatment against 6. 2%
found by self-perceived need; the researcher categorized 71.4% of the respondents as no treatment need
against 71. 4% found by self-perceived need.
Conclusions: most of the children in Benghazi`s public schools are satisfied with teeth appearance. Most of the
public schools children in Benghazi need no/slight orthodontic treatment need. Age, gender and socioeconomic
were not influencing factors affecting orthodontic treatment need among Libyan children in Benghazi.


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How to Cite

Abraheem, M. ., & Mohamed, M. . (2020). Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) for Libyan Children in Benghazi: An ep- idemiological survey on school children in Benghazi city. Libyan Journal of Dentistry, 4(1).


