مكانة نظريات اليقين في الأخلاق: نظرية المواقف ذات النوع المثالي نموذجاً


  • د. مصيونة أمحمد أبوبكر



الكلمات المفتاحية:

2 مكانة نظريات اليقين في الأخلاق


This research aims at demonstrating that our conclusions, as we discussed the status of science in ethics, are standards in themselves. They may be subjected to disagreement in some situations. Furthermore, this research aims at discussing whether it is within our capability to consider the ethical problems by the method suggested by the theoretical prelude without basing on our ethical inspirations, or urging them to examine the validity of their consequences of the suggested ethical theory? This may insinuate the difficulty of reaching convincing arguments without prior to ethical convictions. Therefore, the research attempts to clarify the question whether the ethical issues would create scientific data, and ignore the properties and their influences on others or not? Moreover, is the ethical theory equally justified like scientific theories? Is it possible that the ethical rules can be proven in the same sense that physics and engineering rules are proven? This research also seeks to know, through studying five objections raised by philosophers of ethics against the ( Yakin ) Certainty Theories in Ethics, which one of them was decisive. And knowing the difference between the     ( Yakin) certainty theories and the Ethical Responsive Theory particularly the Perfect Certainty and how vital it is, as much as it is related to the
traditional function legitimacy of the Ethical philosopher.


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كيفية الاقتباس

أبوبكر د. م. أ. . (2022). مكانة نظريات اليقين في الأخلاق: نظرية المواقف ذات النوع المثالي نموذجاً. المجلة الليبية العالمية, (20). https://doi.org/10.37376/1570-000-020-001


