القلق في شعر علي الفزاني


  • د.سوف أبوالقاسم الرحيبي




We show in this study of the phenomenon of anxiety in the poetry of the poet Libby, enabled his talent to reach the world, and even become poets who had their hair witness to an important stage of the Libyan and Arab history, we have offered to the manifestations of anxiety according to a scientific vision logical benefited in which the arguments of psychology, sociology, philosophy scholars , to come out search result that Toukanha since the beginning, is the presence of a large gap between Aelovesana society, though pretended revolutionary rebellion, Vtmrdh was only express myself clear on the non-acceptance of the reality he sees is only in the sense that the poetic vision of Fsana made him look lens and another seen from the angle different.

 We do not want here dragging in the analysis, it is not here him, but wanted clarification of what was interpreted restless life that we read in the poetry of Ali Aelovesana, and in this paper we address the definition of anxiety as a painful personal experienced poet experience, as a result he felt no attention from those around him individuals, as well as his sense of the inability to establish a social relationship, reflected in the overall hair.


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How to Cite

الرحيبي د. (2022). القلق في شعر علي الفزاني. Global Libyan Journal, (24). https://doi.org/10.37376/1570-000-024-005


