Extent to which high school science teachers use effective teaching skills


  • Huda Da'ad




effective teaching - Educational strategy, innovation, teacher self-assessment .


The researcher has paid attention and interest to effective teaching  methods ,that encourage students to think big and succeed in attaining high level of thinking.

The subject of research was summarized in a main question (Do the secondary schoolteachers of science upgrade the thinking of their students to the level of invention and creativity.?)

The importance of the research concentrated on the understanding of teachers, that they have to improve the thinking of their students to reach the level of creation and invention through effective teaching method.

The research community compose-(292)teachers. of the group (60) teachers  were taken as a sample. Data were compiled through a questionnaire .The researcher has used the descriptive analytical method.

Important Results :

  • Science teachers do not use effecter teaching methods that improve students to the level of invention and creativity.
  • suence teacher follow traditional method of teaching in planning and evaluation.


  • Suence teaching hall be trained on new and effective method of teaching that help students to attain thinking of invention and creativity.
  • Special attention  shall be done on how teachers follow an up date planning  procedures ,monitoring and evaluation.


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مدى استخدام معلمي العلوم بالمرحلة الثانوية لمهارات التدريس الفعال



How to Cite

داوؤد ه. (2022). Extent to which high school science teachers use effective teaching skills. Global Libyan Journal, (57). https://doi.org/10.37376/glj.vi57.2491


