دراسة تأثٌر المواد الفعالة المستخلصة من بذور الخردل األبٌض alba Brassica بواسطـــة مذٌب الكلـــــــوروفورم على بعض األنواع البكتٌرٌة الممرضة


  • Ramadan Mohammed




An Empirical Study was conducted to find out what the impact of Chloroform extract
of the seeds of the plant white mustard (Brassica alba) on three types of bacteria
namely: Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia Coli and Listeria monocytogene, so
when you draw effective active ingredients in three different time periods (24- 48 - 72
hours ), this study has shown that the inhibitory effect of extracts and varying
percentages of the types of bacteria under study, where he appeared to extract a time
period of 72 hours was the strongest in terms of the inhibitory effect. The results
obtained through this study close to some extent from those results outlined by the
inhibitory capacity of each of the antibiotic Ampicillin and antibiotic Cephataxin on
the same aforementioned bacterial species. The study showed an approximate values
of each extract low inhibitory concentrations, as well as showing that there is no
absolute toxicity of thes extracts e on human blood.


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دراسة تأثير المواد الفعالة المستخلصة من بذور الخردل الأبيض  Brassica alba بواسطـــة مذيب الكلـــــــوروفورم على بعض الأنواع  البكتيرية الممرضة



How to Cite

محمد ر. (2016). دراسة تأثٌر المواد الفعالة المستخلصة من بذور الخردل األبٌض alba Brassica بواسطـــة مذٌب الكلـــــــوروفورم على بعض األنواع البكتٌرٌة الممرضة. Global Libyan Journal, (10). https://doi.org/10.37376/1570-000-010-003


