The design of the field to raise the physical and kinetic efficiency for members of the armed forces and the police in Libya


  • Ashraf Abdel Moneim



Sectors of the armed forces and the police of the most important sectors of the state, because
they are sectors that provide protection and security of the state and therefore the members of
these two sectors should be of particular physical specifications to enable them to fulfill the
requirements of this work, you need to fitness programs that fit and duties of the individual
combat, the effective role in resolving many of the military operations Valmqatl is basic and
effective way in the use of weapons and the occupation of the sites, which requires high
fitness, if fitness is not available when the fighter they lead to the loss of his ability and skill
of combat. The research aims to design and field to raise the physical and kinetic efficiency
for members of the armed forces and the police, use the experimental method on a sample of
the army and police (40) per person, and the search returned the following results: an
individual of the armed forces and the police nature of the physical private - to improve the
physical abilities enable him to deal with equipment and weapons and the terrain and forms
of movement and motor skill and maneuvering - fit raw materials and factory devices,
including the nature of the performance and bear different climate factors and does not need
to cost in the manufacturing, construction, installation and maintenance.


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تصمیم میدان لرفع الكفاءة البدنية والحركية لأفراد القوات المسلحة والشرطة بليبيا



How to Cite

عبدالمنعم ا. (2016). The design of the field to raise the physical and kinetic efficiency for members of the armed forces and the police in Libya. Global Libyan Journal, (12).


