The Effectiveneness Of a Group Counseling Program In Alleviating Psychological Stress Among A sample Of Families Of Children With Cancer In The City Sirt


  • Fatima Muftah Salah Abedalale Sirte University



cancer, Sirt, Psychological Stress, children


The Current study aims to provide a counseling program to alleviate the psychological stress experienced by families of children with cancer.                                                                          

This study sample consisted of (20)families whom fathers, mothers and brothers accompanying their children who receive

Treatment at was an experimental group and they are eight, whom underwent the counseling program. The second group was a control group and their number is eight too, whom they had cancer.                                                                                         

This study Used a psychological Stress Scale and a counseling program prepared by the researcher. The result of the study concluded that there were statistically significant differences between the two measurements before any experimental group.this was shown in the follow –up measurement after a month of telemetry .


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Author Biography

Fatima Muftah Salah Abedalale, Sirte University

عضو هيئة تدريس في قسم علم النفس – جامعة سرت


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How to Cite

مفتاح صالح عبد العالي ف. . (2024). The Effectiveneness Of a Group Counseling Program In Alleviating Psychological Stress Among A sample Of Families Of Children With Cancer In The City Sirt. Global Libyan Journal, (67), 1–20.


