Effectiveness of a program based on storytelling in the development of Some Social Skills in kindergarten


  • Salima F.M. Zubi University of Benghazi




program, storytelling, Social Skills, kindergarten


The study aimed at verifying the impact of the extension program based on the use of narrative activity in the development of social skills and the detection of statistically significant differences according to the child type variable and the variable age in social skills.

 The study sample was chosen from 20 child, 10 males and 10 females ,in age from 4 - 5 years and 5-6 years .

 The study tools consisted of (21) words of social skills. The items were defined in seven skills (3 phrases that measure each skill). These are: the skill of apologizing for error, the skill of admissibility, the skill of thanksgiving when performing a service by others and the ability to listen Without interruption and the skill of dialogue etiquette and the skill of welcome and smile and the skill of self-reliance, and prepared the researcher program and the guidance of the activities of stories appropriate to each skill of social skills.

         The results showed statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group members for the total score of the list in the pre-measurement and post-measurement in favor of the post-measurement.

 This indicates the positive effect of the indicative program.

There are statistically significant differences between the average female scores and the average male scores in the experimental group. And there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of experimental group members in favor of the child's age range (5-6 years).


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Author Biography

Salima F.M. Zubi, University of Benghazi

أستاذ مشارك - كلية التربية - جامعة بنغازي


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How to Cite

فرج محمد زوبي س. . (2024). Effectiveness of a program based on storytelling in the development of Some Social Skills in kindergarten. Global Libyan Journal, (67), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.37376/glj.vi67.5902


