الدراسات الإجتماعية بين النشأة والتطور


  • د. نجوى الهادى سالم الغويلي




The development and development of our society is conditional on the progress of studies and social sciences. He cannot control his process without effort to think about his own reality, and its different levels of construction. It cannot progress without developing its local competencies. It is not an area for the experiments of development theories and ready-made models based on the idea of universality. Rather, it is necessary to combine knowledge and reality. The social sciences of different branches are the product of the society in which they belong. Relationship between academic variables and social changes according to different configurations and systems of social and economic relations, and forms of relations of production. Social studies are of particular nature in that they link the temporal and spatial dimensions. They are distinguished from the rest of the subjects by a social nature, as is evident from their names. All this makes them a fertile environment to play a greater role in preparing a generation of young people to become prominent members of the society they live in. Social, economic and cultural developments in the various cultural environments within their society and other societies. Sociology is saturated with social sciences, doctrines, doctrines and multiple philosophies, which are disseminated within theoretical and applied research, The ideological and intellectual book and Oadaaha, and this is contrary to the common conjecture and reputation for this popular science.


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How to Cite

الغويلي د. ن. (2022). الدراسات الإجتماعية بين النشأة والتطور. Global Libyan Journal, (30). https://doi.org/10.37376/1570-000-030-004


