الإعلان الدستوري الليبي الصادر في 8 أغسطس 1122 م - دراسة تأصيلية تحليلية في ضوء مفهوم الإعلانات الدستورية


  • د. سلوى فوزي الدغيلي




When the Libyan constitutional declaration was issued in August 2011, like any rules that carry provisions that regulate the citizen's political, economic and social life. On the other hand, About its legal value and the status it occupies between the rules governing the legislative pyramid in Libya and its relationship with these rules.
Everyone knows that since Libya's constitutional declaration in 1969 following its coup against the regime, and until 2011, Gaddafi has not ruled Libya through a clear constitution, in which the three authorities determine their relationship with each other, as in traditional regimes through some documents that Issued on the dates spaced and recognized by the Libyan judiciary value and constitutional nature. Hence, our choice was to examine the legal value of this constitutional declaration and to consolidate it in the light of the concept of constitutional declarations in the comparative constitutional jurisprudence, because there is controversy over its legal value and ranking among the legislative rules in the country, with the consequences of this result


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How to Cite

الدغيلي د. س. (2022). الإعلان الدستوري الليبي الصادر في 8 أغسطس 1122 م - دراسة تأصيلية تحليلية في ضوء مفهوم الإعلانات الدستورية. Global Libyan Journal, (30). https://doi.org/10.37376/1570-000-030-008


