The role of e-governance in achieving organizational excellence

Field study on Libyan commercial banks


  • د. السنوسي سليمان بوخريص كلية الاقتصاد – جامعة بنغازي – ليبيا



The objective of the research is to determine the impact of e-governance dimensions (administrative and regulatory requirements, transparency and electronic disclosure, Electronic participation, accountability) on regulatory excellence in Libyan commercial banks, A descriptive analytical approach was adopted for this purpose, The survey list was used as a key tool for data collection, with the study population represented by senior management and clients of Libyan commercial banks, A randomized stratified sample was selected using proportional distribution in each category of study Depending on the random sampling tables at the size of a community number (649) Single and at a degree of confidence 95% and an error is allowed 5% the total sample size was (242) Single, Were distributed using proportional distribution, Where the sample size was for senior management (138) Single, The forms were correct (110) Any response rate(79.7%) Of the distributed forms, Customers were distributed (384) Form has been restored (250) Application Form (65.1%) Of the distributed forms The Statistical Analysis of Social Sciences program was used to analyze the data (SPSS). The results of the study confirmed that e-governance has a role in achieving organizational excellence in the Libyan commercial banks From the point of view of senior managers and customers and that there is no difference between the opinions of managers and customers Regarding the need to use e-governance (administrative and regulatory requirements, transparency and electronic disclosure, electronic participation, accountability) To achieve organizational excellence in Libyan commercial banks and that there is average support for senior management to implement e-governance Where the mean of the two categories of the study sample (3.74) ,(3.75)  Respectively. The study concluded many recommendations, the most important of which is to spread the culture of e-governance among managers and customers through the establishment of conferences and specialized awareness sessions, to increase the level of disclosure and transparency in financial and non-financial reports, as well as the need for the Central Bank in coordination with the legislative institutions and the cooperation of banking institutions to develop banking legislation suitable for e-business that organizes the concept of electronic messages and signatures.


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Author Biography

د. السنوسي سليمان بوخريص , كلية الاقتصاد – جامعة بنغازي – ليبيا

عضو هيئة التدريس – كلية الاقتصاد


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How to Cite

سليمان بوخريص د. ا. . (2024). The role of e-governance in achieving organizational excellence: Field study on Libyan commercial banks. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (40), 1–29.


