Urban growth for the city of Al marj and its impact on farmland surrounding the city for the period 2011 to 2016


  • Hamad mohammad sasi Benghazi of university




This study addressed the urban growth of the city of el marj and its impact on farmland surrounding the city during the last five years. The importance of the study of modernity and reliance on the use of modern satellite images and gis as well as to be regarded as farmland affecting the national security of any state. The study aimed to find out the reasons that led to growth of urban growth displayed on the farmland surrounding the city of el marj also study aimed to farmland which turned to the areas of urban and number established by the houses tracts account as study  aimed at finding appropriate solution to curb urban growth on farmland. To achieve these goals was the data from various sources and references as well as the collection was the use of satellite imagery and gis. The study found a shift of 380 hectares of farmland around the el marj city into urban areas where building home was 903 during the period from November 2011 to march 2016 also increased the el marj city area during the same period from 11.48 km to 15.28 km.


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Author Biography

Hamad mohammad sasi, Benghazi of university

Benghazi university college of arts and science elmarj


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How to Cite

محمد ساسي أ. . . . ح. . (2024). Urban growth for the city of Al marj and its impact on farmland surrounding the city for the period 2011 to 2016. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (25), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.37376/1571-000-025-009


