
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Manuscripts should not exceed 10 (A4) pages including figures and tables, produced using Microsoft word, with Times New Roman font 9.5pt single space typewritten. The page setup left and right margins of 13.5 mm and top margin of 25.4 mm and bottom margin of 21.8 mm.
  • The original and two copies should be submitted, and on a CD disc. The file on the disc should exactly correspond to the hard copies.
  • produced using Microsoft word, with Times New Roman font 9.5pt single space type written. The page setup left and right margins of 13.5 mm and top margin of 25.4 mm and bottom margin of 21.8 mm.
  • The research paper should contain the following elements: Abstract - Introduction - Action Steps - Methodology - Results and Discussion - Conclusions.
  • The research volume should not exceed 10 pages of the journal.
  • a. Title page, headed by a concise but informative full title font size 15ptbold, name(s) font size 12pt, and address of the place where the work was carried out font size of 8pt.
  • The names of the authors are written in 12 black letters below the title of the paper, starting with the name of the author and ending with the name of the grandfather or family.
  • The titles of the authors are written in a regular size 8 below the author's name, noting that in the case of multiple places of work or addresses of the authors, they are indicated after the name of each author with a number and no other symbols are used. Leave an unwritten space after the headings. The title of the abstract and all other main headings of the search shall be written at the beginning of the line from the right or the left in size 10 dark black, followed by the text in size 9.5 normal and a single space (single space) without spaces between paragraphs and equal endings.
  • b. Abstract, containing brief but informative details of the contents and conclusions of the paper and should not exceed 200words, size 8.5.
  • Introduction, stating the reasons for carrying out the work, size of 9.5pt.
  • Materials and Methods, containing sufficient experimental details so that methods can be reproduced by researchers (in experimental papers), size 9.5pt.
  • Results should be described as concise as possible, size of 9.5pt.
  • Discussion should not recapitulate results in detail or contain new information but should emphasize the relevance and significance of the findings reported, size of 9.5pt.
  • Conclusion, size of 9.5pt.
    Acknowledgement, size of 9.5pt.
    References should be cited in the text a number in square brackets [ ].
    All references should be included at the end of the manuscript successively with size of 8pt. Correct references are the responsibility of the author.
  • It is preferable that the table be a part of the text written in the same program (MS WORD) and not separated or entered with a scanner, and each table must be preceded by a title that has a normal size of 9.
  • Figures accompanying the text in its final form must be original and very clear.
  • You choose the dimensions of the shapes so that they can be formatted in the context of the research using the scanner or direct pasting on paper. If this is not possible, the shapes should be on separate pages. The title of the figure should be written directly below the figure in size 11.
  • The symbols for all chemical elements both within the text and in the independent equations are written in common Latin (English) symbols.
  • References within the text are indicated using numbers (the first reference is indicated by [1], the second [2], and so on). References are written at the end of the research according to the sequence of their numbers and their mention in the research, and not according to the alphabetical order of the authors' names.
  • This declaration must be downloaded and uploaded again
    When submitting the publication request.

Author Guidelines

Terms of Publication in the Journal

  1. The papers and reports should be an original work and not considered for publication elsewhere. Papers published in conferences may be considered for publication in the journal after they go through the evaluation process and if they do not conflict with the copyright of the conference proceedings.
  2. All papers and reports are subject to evaluation and may not be published unless all the required corrections are met and the author's guide for publication is followed.
  3. The accepted papers could be written in Arabic (with English abstract), or in English (with Arabic abstract).
  4. After acceptance of the paper or report for publication in the journal, it should not be considered for publication in another journal and the author should sign a copyright agreement with the editorial board of the journal.
  5. Authors should include the full title of the paper, the author's full name, Author's affiliation and address, e-mail address.
  6. Papers not written according to the stated instructions will not be considered for refereeing.
  7. the Journal has the right to publish these researches and makes use of them in scientific fields without referring to their owners, provided always referring to the owners of these studies/research according to generally accepted rules.
  8. Manuscripts submitted for publication does not respond to their owners, whether published or not, the applicant is not entitled to claim them.
  9. Editors of the journal reserve the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. Authors will be consulted only if the changes are substantial.
  10. Author/s must pay all the expenses incurred in the review process if s/he decides to withdraw his/her research paper whilst it is undergoing review.

Typing Instruction

In spite that an electronic paper template is available, Authors are kindly requested to abide by the following instructions:

  1. Manuscripts should not exceed 10 (A4) pages including figures and tables, produced using Microsoft word, with Times New Roman font 9.5pt single space typewritten. The page setup left and right margins of 13.5 mm and top margin of 25.4 mm and bottom margin of 21.8 mm.
  2. The original and two copies should be submitted, and on a CD disc. The file on the disc should exactly correspond to the hard copies.
  3. Authors have to the following format:
    1. Title page, headed by a concise but informative full title font size 15ptbold, name(s) font size 12pt, and address of the place where the work was carried out font size of 8pt.
    2. Abstract, containing brief but informative details of the contents and conclusions of the paper and should not exceed 200words, size 8.5.
    3. Introduction, stating the reasons for carrying out the work, size of 9.5pt.
    4. Materials and Methods, containing sufficient experimental details so that methods can be reproduced by researchers (in experimental papers), size 9.5pt.
    5. Resultsshould be described as concise as possible, size of 9.5pt.
    6. Discussion should not recapitulate results in detail or contain new information but should emphasize the relevance and significance of the findings reported, size of 9.5pt.
    7. Conclusion, size of 9.5pt.
    8. Acknowledgement, size of 9.5pt.
    9. Referencesshould be cited in the text a number in square brackets [ ]. All references should be included at the end of the manuscript successively with size of 8pt. Correct references are the responsibility of the author.


  1. the Journal has the right to publish these researches and makes use of them in scientific fields without referring to their owners, provided always referring to the owners of these studies/research according to generally accepted rules.
  2. Manuscripts submitted for publication does not respond to their owners, whether published or not, the applicant is not entitled to claim them.
  3. Editors of the journal reserve the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. Authors will be consulted only if the changes are substantial.
  4. Author/s must pay all the expenses incurred in the review process if s/he decides to withdraw his/her research paper whilst it is undergoing review.

This declaration must be downloaded and uploaded again
When submitting the publication request.



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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.