العولمة وانعكاساتها على أوضاع العمل والتشغيل


  • د. محمد فتحي فرج الزليتني
  • د. سالم أبوبكر محمد شعیب




This research aims to identify the changes and effects of globalization on working conditions and employment. To achieve this, the research has been based on descriptive method, and has utilized from its methods the office style. The research has reached to a set of results, the most important of which are: Globalization has positive and negative impacts on working and employment conditions. On the one hand, it provides potential for developing countries to provide jobs due to economic openness, inflow of capital, and foreign investment. On the other hand, the affiliation t globalization leads to a decline in employment rates, and the removal of many of the labour force in developed countries in particular. The results of the study also indicate that globalization leads to the abandonment of the state from the policy of social employment, threatens its authority, and limits its role as an observer and a guide to development, because of malfunctioning of the multinationals in its unity.


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How to Cite

الزليتني د. م. ., & شعیب د. س. (2022). العولمة وانعكاساتها على أوضاع العمل والتشغيل. Global Libyan Journal, (35). https://doi.org/10.37376/1570-000-035-001


