آليات الحجاج في قصة "حائك الكلام" لعمرو بن مسعدة من منظور البلاغة الحديثة


  • أ.عثمان سعد علي عمر




     This research is about a content analysis of the "Haik Alkalaam" or (Speech Tailor) story, recorded by the Abbasi Period writer the minister Amro Ibno Mas'adah (Died:278),in the aspects of modern Arab Eloquence Studies ,which not only study the classical rules of the Arab Rhetoric in "Moftaah Alauloom" or (Key of sciences) by Sakkaki (Died:626), but also the techniques of (Hijaaj) or "argument" of the " Khitab" (Massage) used by "Haik Alkalaam" and the writer Amro Ibno Mas'adah in their speech.

  The writer has come with a conclusion that : this story is a unique style of the ancient Arab Narration in the Abbasi Period, which preceded the narration period in respects of Art ,Narration and Structuralism of the Arab Literature depending on linguistic and logical argumentative  means. Not to mention the variety to use Stylistic ,Argumentative, Rhetoric and Tropes techniques, specially that presented by "Haik Alkalaam".

  Such results should encourage for more studies to the Narration treasures in the ancient Arab Literature in textual and artistic techniques which are not less valuable than the modern Narrations .              


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How to Cite

عمر أ. (2022). آليات الحجاج في قصة "حائك الكلام" لعمرو بن مسعدة من منظور البلاغة الحديثة. Global Libyan Journal, (44). https://doi.org/10.37376/1570-000-044-006


