Stability of Periodic solutions by Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem of neutral nonlinear system of dynamical equation with Variable Delays


  • AMIRA ALI MOHAMMED BEN FAYED University of Benghazi
  • RAFIK A. FARAG ELMANSOURI universtiy of Benghazi
  • AISHA IMBAYYAH MIFTAH IMHEMED University of Benghazi



Contraction mapping, stability, nonlinear neutral, differential equation, integral equation


       The fixed point theorem is used in this study to provide stability results for the zero solution of a nonlinear neutral system of differential equations with functional delay.


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Author Biographies

AMIRA ALI MOHAMMED BEN FAYED , University of Benghazi

Department of mathematic, Faculty of Education, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya

RAFIK A. FARAG ELMANSOURI , universtiy of Benghazi

College of Electrical and Electronic Technology, Benghazi, Libya


Department of mathematic, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya


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How to Cite

ALI MOHAMMED BEN FAYED , A. ., A. FARAG ELMANSOURI , R. . ., & IMBAYYAH MIFTAH IMHEMED , A. . (2024). Stability of Periodic solutions by Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem of neutral nonlinear system of dynamical equation with Variable Delays. Global Libyan Journal, (67), 1–13.


