Strategies for regulating emotion cognitively and their relationship to the dimensions of psychopathic personality disorder among a sample of students of the College of Arts and Sciences Al-Marj


  • Ibrahim Muhammad Obaidullah Juma Alammari University of Benghazi
  • Adam Belkacem Faraj Abd El , Azim University of Benghazi



strategies, emotion regulation, psychopathic personality


The current study aimed to identify the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and the dimensions of psychopathic personality disorder, and to reveal their arrangement according to gender and specialization on a sample of 106 male and female students at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, who were selected using a simple relative random method. The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between the strategy of blaming others and the overall degree of psychopathic personality disorder, And the existence of a significant negative relationship between the strategy of self-blame and psychopathic personality disorder, and the presence of a positive relationship indicative of the total degree of negative actions regulation strategies with the total degree of psychopathic personality disorder, and there is no relationship between positive strategies for emotion regulation and psychopathic personality disorder, The results also showed the arrangement of strategies for regulating emotion in males (setting things straight - blaming others - catastrophic perception - re-evaluation - positive refocus - rumination - focus on planning - self-blame acceptance ), and for females (blaming others - re-evaluation - rumination - setting things straight - positive refocusing - self-blame - focus on planning - acceptance - catastrophic perception) and in literature specialization (blaming others - catastrophic perception - setting things straight - rumination - re-evaluation - refocusing - self-blame - acceptance) and the order of dimensions of psychopathic personality disorder came as follows: (search for feeling - lack of a sense of responsibility - impulsiveness - grandiosity - absence of remorse - deceitful spirit - indifference - manipulation - irresponsibility)


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Author Biographies

Ibrahim Muhammad Obaidullah Juma Alammari, University of Benghazi

محاضر بقسم علم النفس – كلية الآداب والعلوم المرج

Adam Belkacem Faraj Abd El , Azim, University of Benghazi

محاضر بقسم علم النفس – كلية الآداب والعلوم المرج


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How to Cite

محمد عبيد الله جمعة العماري إ., & بلقاسم فرج عبد العظيم آ. . (2024). Strategies for regulating emotion cognitively and their relationship to the dimensions of psychopathic personality disorder among a sample of students of the College of Arts and Sciences Al-Marj. Global Libyan Journal, (67), 1–28.


