Attitudes of public school employees in the city of Benghazi towards integrating autistic children and the difficulties they


  • د.عائدة منصور صالح بدر Benghazi of university
  • د.شوق صالح حسين سويسي Benghazi of university



Trends, integration, autistic children


The current study aims to identify the attitudes of public school workers towards the integration of autistic children, and to reveal the differences in the attitudes of public school workers in the city of Benghazi towards the integration of autistic children attributed to (job - scientific qualification - years of experience - obtaining special courses for autism and integration) as well as to identify the difficulties facing the integration process, and the descriptive analytical approach has been used, The scale of attitudes of public school workers towards the integration of autistic children after confirming its psychometric characteristics was applied to a sample of (teachers, principals, specialists) working in public schools in which the process of integrating autistic children is applied according to the Center for the Integration of People with Special Needs at Sayeda Ruqayya School (Al-Laithi) Benghazi, The study found that towards school workers average (neutral) towards the integration of autistic children, i.e. not negative or positive, in addition to the absence of statistically significant differences between the attitudes of workers in public schools in Benghazi towards the integration of autistic children attributed to (academic qualification, years of experience), There are differences in the trend towards integrating autistic children attributed to the job in favor of the psychologist, and there are also differences in participation in courses on autism and integration in favor of those who participated, and it also showed that there are difficulties facing the integration process at a high rate of up to (94.04%).


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Author Biographies

د.عائدة منصور صالح بدر, Benghazi of university

قسم علم النفس بكلية الآداب جامعة بنغازي

د.شوق صالح حسين سويسي, Benghazi of university

 قسم علم النفس بكلية الآداب جامعة بنغازي


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How to Cite

منصور صالح بدر د. ., & صالح حسين سويسي د. . (2024). Attitudes of public school employees in the city of Benghazi towards integrating autistic children and the difficulties they. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, (55), 258–315.


