The importance of human resource development in the African continent


  • د.عبد العزيز عبدالكريم بوحليقة. جامعة طبرق
  • د.محمود علي المبروك جامعة طبرق
  • أ.فتح اللّه خليفة الكيلاني شركة الخليج .



الموارد الطبيعية, الموارد البشرية، , التنمية الاقتصادية, والاجتماعية, القارة الأفريقية


        This paper focuses on the purpose of a dialectical relationship between the importance of human resources and the exploitation of natural resources and effective uses in order to achieve socio-economic development and make the African continent in a prominent place worthy of it among the rest of the continents of the world.

       The review the most important features of the African continent, such as geographic location, infrastructure, the terrain, climate, mineral resources, agricultural resources and energy. The human resources as a basis for of social and economic development were also discussed.

       Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis of the information collected from many sources which have been analyzed and compared with each other based on the human development indicators. As this study has concluded that the African continent is eligible to be a prominent place among the continents of the world as it contains natural resources and human wealth. The development process and it is possible to happen followers advanced educational policies as well as the use of well-trained people who contribute to exploit the potential of the continent's natural resources efficiently and effectively.


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Author Biographies

د.عبد العزيز عبدالكريم بوحليقة., جامعة طبرق

رئيس جامعة طبرق

د.محمود علي المبروك, جامعة طبرق

عميد كلية الموارد الطبيعية وعلوم البيئة جامعة طبرق

أ.فتح اللّه خليفة الكيلاني, شركة الخليج .

شركة الخليج .


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How to Cite

عبدالكريم بوحليقة. د. ا. ., علي المبروك د. ., & خليفة الكيلاني أ. ا. . (2024). The importance of human resource development in the African continent. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (19), 1–16.


