Effectiveness of Online Advertisements to stimulate purchasing desire of Libyan Consumer


  • د.سالم محمد سالم بوسن Benghazi of university




Online Advertisements,, purchasing desire,, Consumer.


This research aims to determine the role played by online advertising in stimulating the consumers' desire to purchase. This research used the inductive approach to describe the question from its sources, references and books in light of theory. Along with collected information from sources, references and scientific books in this area and on this issue, the researcher also relied on interviews with a number of specialists in this field. The results showed that online advertising has a role in influencing the consumers' decision to buy in general. In addition, the incentives of online advertising are important in increasing the consumer's desire to purchase. Based on the findings of current research, a number of recommendations are presented that will undoubtedly enrich future scientific research in this field.


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Author Biography

د.سالم محمد سالم بوسن, Benghazi of university

عضو هيئة تدريس بكلية الإعلام - جامعة بنغازي - ليبيا


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How to Cite

محمد سالم بوسن د. . (2024). Effectiveness of Online Advertisements to stimulate purchasing desire of Libyan Consumer. Journal of Science and Humanities- Faculty of Arts and Science Al – Marj, (61), 8–12. https://doi.org/10.37376/1571-000-061-009


