About the Journal


The LJPHP's vision is to become one of the most prestigious scientific journals, renowned at both the local and international levels. Additionally, we strive to emerge as leaders by fostering creativity and effectively communicating knowledge, and to establish ourselves as a reputable scientific reference within the realm of public health journals.


The mission of LJPHP is to actively contribute to the University of Benghazi's quest for excellence in research and education through a comprehensive global journal program. As a non-profit college press with a clear mission, our publishing strategy is carefully crafted to align with the priorities and requirements of the communities we serve and support. We are committed to providing valuable resources and nurturing academic discourse to effectively meet the diverse needs of our stakeholders.

Aims and scope

  1. Contribute to the study and proposal of solutions to health problems: We strive to actively engage in researching and addressing health issues, offering valuable insights and solutions to improve public health. 
  2. Enhance the comprehensiveness, breadth, and diversity of the research personnel's knowledge base: We aim to provide a platform that promotes the dissemination of diverse research findings, expanding the knowledge and expertise of researchers in the field. 
  3. Provide distinguished research and studies in public health journals: We are committed to publishing high-quality research papers and studies that contribute significantly to the field of public health, ensuring their distinction and relevance. 
  4. Continuously develop the magazine's content to keep pace with global changes. We understand the importance of staying updated with the latest advancements and changes in the global health landscape. Therefore, we continuously evolve the content of our magazine to reflect these changes and provide up-to-date information. 
  5. Publish research and applied studies to elevate the level of health services. Our focus is on publishing research and applied studies that have practical implications and can positively impact the delivery and quality of health services, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes. 
  6. Prepare a scientific journal in line with local and international quality requirements. We adhere to rigorous standards and guidelines set by both local and international authorities to ensure the scientific rigor and credibility of our journal. By doing so, we aim to meet the expectations and requirements of our readers and contributors while maintaining a high level of quality. 

By pursuing these goals, we aim to make significant contributions to the field of public health and foster the growth and development of healthcare services on both local and global scales.