Type of accepted articles

  1. Original article: which reports an original quantitative or qualitative research.

For original papers, the submitted manuscript word count should no more than 3500 words excluding abstract, references and appendices, and a max of 6 tables and/or figures.

  1. Review article: In this article the authors analyze and synthesize information from multiple studies to provide a comprehensive overview on a specific topic.

For review papers, the submitted manuscript word count should no more than 4000 words excluding abstract, references and appendices, and a max of 6 tables and/or figures.

  1. Case study: this article describes specific instances or cases in detail, often with the aim of illustrating a particular phenomenon or medical condition.

For review papers, the submitted manuscript word count should be between 500 – 1500 words excluding abstract, references and appendices, and a max of 6 tables and/or figures.