The mental image that Libyans have regarding their political and economic conditions and institutions


  • AHMED OMER ELNAEILI جامعة بنغازي



الصورة الذهنية، الليبيون ، الاقتصاد ، السياسة ، مؤسسات الدولة .


   This study aims to conclude the mental image that Libyans have regarding their country, their political and economic conditions, and their institutions. The questionnaire form included 49 questions and was distributed to 449 Libyan male and female citizens in the city of Benghazi in 2019.

The study reached the following results:

  •      The mental image that Libyans have of the Libyan state, its institutions, and its political and economic conditions taken together is a positive mental image on average.
  •      The mental image formed regarding the political situation was positive on average.
  • The mental image formed regarding the image of the Libyan state and its institutions was positive on average.
  •      The mental image formed regarding the economic conditions was positive on average.
  •      The mental image formed by the uneducated towards both the political and economic conditions and the state and its institutions together was weakly positive.  The mental image of the educated was average positive.


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Author Biography


Lecturer، public relations and advertising department، faculty of mass communication،Benghazi university


الهوامش والمراجع

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How to Cite

عمر النائلي أ. . أ. . (2024). The mental image that Libyans have regarding their political and economic conditions and institutions. The Libyan Journal of Media Research, (4), 12–32.


